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Statues - Hither & Thither

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South West England

Gloucester Park

Robert Raikes

Gloucester 1736 - Gloucester 1811
English philanthropist and Anglican layman, founder of the Sunday School Movement
Thomas Brock
A.B. Burton (Thames Ditton)

Gloucester /  Robert Raikes   Gloucester /  Robert Raikes


Bronze statue of Raikes in eighteenth-century clothes, pointing at a Bible in his left hand.


Founder of the Sunday School
Born in Gloucester, 1735; Died 1811.
Third Jubiliee of the Movement.
Celebrated in 1930.
erected by contributions of teachers
and scholars in Sunday Schools of the
land, collected under the auspices of
"the united board of Sunday School
Organisations" and of "the national
Sunday School Union" is presented to
his Native City.
unveiled, Thursday 2nd October 1930.

Signed: thos brock Sculp. / london 1880
a.b. burton / founder


It is unveiled op 2 October 1930 by 40 children, drawn from each Sunday School in the district, and after that presented to the Mayor of Gloucester by two of the children, Sylvia Lawrence and John Ruslingand dedicated by the Bishop of Gloucester, Dr. A.C. Headlam. Tthere were 6,000 children from Sunday Schools of Gloucestershire present, and 4,000 adults.

The statue is a re-cast of the 1880 statue in London, made in 1929 for the 150th anniversary of the first Sunday school.


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 51°51'37" - W 2°14'36") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: gbsw017; Photograph: 23 July 2012
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
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© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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