Gilt statue of William III in Roman dress.
Optimo Regi
Ricardus Norton Humillime D.D.
(To King William humble dedicated by Richard Norton, 1718)
The statue was presented to the Dockyard by William in gratitude for the Navy's tacit support for his cause. When he came with Ann to dethrone James it was expected that the Navy would act to stop them, however, they took no action and therefore William's army landed unopposed and he took the throne.
Richard Norton was a Colonel, possibly in charge of the Dockyard or the Portsmouth Garrison. Norton was the grandson of a Member of Parliament who signed the death warrant of Charles I.
The statue was restored late in 1967.
- John van Nost the Elder (Jan van Nost) (died 1729),
English sculptor, originating from Mechelen
Sources & Information
Locatie (N 50°47'58" - W 1°6'24") (Satellite view: Google Maps)
Item Code: gbse010; Photograph: 12 September 2008
/ updated: 14 September 2009
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
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