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Northgate Street

A Celebration of Chester

Stephen Broadbent
Pangolin Editions (Chalford - Gloucestershire)

Chester /  A Celebration of Chester   Chester /  A Celebration of Chester


Sculpture of 5 m high, consisting o"f three large figurative shapes, each reflective of an aspect of the city's or citizen's life." (quotes from the Broadbent Studio Website).

Chester - A Celebration of Chester
Protection, "evokes the enfolding city walls and the civic responsibility to protect the individual and similarly the individuals responsibility to the community. The figure appropriately looks towards the Town Hall."
Chester - A Celebration of Chester
Industry, "Its spiralling form bends towards the ground, suggestive of each persons need to work and be creative, adding to the health and wealth of the city. This figure inclines to the main shopping area.Celebration of Chester
Chester - A Celebration of Chester
Thanksgiving, "effectively protected by the other two figures. It looks toward the cathedral and symbolises the spiritual life of the individual and of the community and of freedom of expression."


Chester - A Celebration of Chester
a celebration of
chester whose city
walls wake secure
the freedom to work
and worship
Chester - A Celebration of Chester
a celebration of chester
by sculptor
stephen broadbent.
unveiled by the right worshipful
the lord mayor of the city of
chester councillor john randall
on 21st september 1992
Chester - A Celebration of Chester
commissioned through the partnership of
chester city council
the dean of chester cathedral
and capital bank
symbolising thanksgiving
protection and industry the
sculpture unites three important
aspects of the city and its people
reflecting both the personal and
corporate life of the city.
Chester - A Celebration of Chester
a celebration
of chester
unveiled in 1992 as part
of the 900th anniversary
celebrations of chester
pangolin editions foundry


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 53°11'30" - W 2°53'31") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: gbnw127; Photograph: 25 June 2023
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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