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Merseyside North West England St George's Place (L1)
William EarleMajor General William Earle CBLiverpool 1833 - Kirbekan, Sudan 1885 British Army officer (Wikipedia) |
Charles Bell Birch
J. Moore 1887 |
Statue of General Earle in action, leading the way into battle, looking back at his troops, one gloved hand aloft gesturing towards the fight, the other clutching his unsheathed sword, treading an enemy shield underfoot.
The statue was unveiled by General Lord Wolseley on 16 December 1887.
major general WILLIAM EARLE C.B., C.S.I. born in liverpool, 1833; killed in command of her majesty's troops at the battle of kirbekan in the soudan, 1885. erected by public subscription c.b. birch, a.r.a, sc.
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