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East of England

Christ's College  
(Charles Darwin Sculpture Garden)

The Young Darwin

Shrewsbury 12 February 1809 - Downe 19 April 1882
English naturalist who realised and presented compelling evidence that all species of life have evolved over time from common ancestors (Wikipedia)
Anthony Smith

Cambridge /  The Young Darwin   Cambridge /  The Young Darwin


Bronze statue of Darwin sitting on the arm rest of a wooden bench.

Cambridge - The Young Darwin
Von Humboldt's book
Cambridge - The Young Darwin
Brachinus crepitans


by Anthony Smith

This statue was unveiled by
HRH The Duke of Edinburgh KG KT
Chancellor of the University and Visitor of Christ's College
on the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth
12th February 2009


Anthony Smith

Information Sign

Charles Darwin Bicentenary Statue

This bronze sculpture of Charles Darwin was created to celebrate the
bicentenary of his birth, February 12th 2009, though the generosity of
Dr Alan Smith (1964). In contrast to the universal image of Darwin as
an elderly, bearded man, this sculpture depicts a twenty-two year old
Darwin (May 1831) during his final year at Christ's.

About the statue. In his hand is a volume of Alexander von
Humboldt's Personal Narrative – a book that triggered Darwin's desire
to travel and observe the geology and natural history of far-away places.
Beneath the tails of his coats are other important books from his time
at Christ's – William Paley's Natural Theology, John Herschel's
Preliminary Discourse on Natural Philosophy, and James Stephens'
Illustrations of British Entomology. Look out for Brachinus crepitans
while you are admiring the statue, it echoes one of Darwin's great
passions (collecting beetles).

Cambridge - The Young Darwin

Colleges in Cambridge

The university colleges in Cambridge occupy large areas with several buildings and courts. There are numerous statues, mostly in the façades of the various buildings. The statues with are not visible from the public road. Most of the colleges are accessible for visitors during certain times of the day, some for free, others for a small (or not so small) fee.



Locatie (N 52°12'24" - E 0°7'21") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: gbee070; Photograph: 23 October 2015
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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