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Tarn-et-Garonne Midi-Pyrénées Quai Montmurat |
Monument aux morts de 1870-71War Memorial 1870-71 |
Antoine Bourdelle
Fond. Nat. des Bronzes anc. Firme A. Petermann (St. Gilles) 1901 |
This monument, now recognized as a masterpiece, aroused much controversy due to its profound originality that differed completely from the existing memorials. To ensure consistency of the characters, a large flag replaced the traditional column, obelisks or stelae usually used by the sculptors of the late nineteenth century.
GUERRE hommage aux morts aux Combattants et Serviteurs du Tarn-et-Garonne 1871 |
Signed: BOURDELLE / 1901
ste nale des BRONZES / frie J. PETERMANN / ste ame BRUXELLES
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