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Moselle Lorraine Place de la Victoire |
Fontaine Saint-NaborSaint Nabor FountainSaint Nabor of Lodi (d. 304)Christian legionary of the army of Maxentius who died a martyr under Diocletian, with his companion Felix (Wikipedia) |
Melchior Spinga
1714 |
Fountain with a stone statue of Saint Nabor.
The town's name Saint-Avold is a derivation of Saint Nabor: St. Nabor > St. Avor > St. Avou > St. Avoulz > St. Avold.
Fontaine SAINT-NABOR réalisée en 1714 par Melchior SPINGA, maître tailleur de pierre assisté de maîtres maçons tyroliens. |
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