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Rue de l'église
(église Saint-Thégonnec)

Saints à la façade sud de l'église Saint-Thégonnec

Saints at the south façade of Saint Thégonnec's Church

Roland Doré
17th century

Saint-Thégonnec /  Saints à la façade sud de l'église Saint-Thégonnec   Saint-Thégonnec /  Saints à la façade sud de l'église Saint-Thégonnec


Five granite statues around the south portal, from left to right:
  1. Saint Jean / Saint John the Evangelist, sculpted by Roland Doré, 1625. Inscriptions: front: j. maze ian | ne inisan ma. | faict. faire | s: ian
    right side: r. dore ma faict and faict lan 1625
  2. L'ange Gabriel, on his staff a ribbon with text ave gratia plena
    Inscription: j. gvilleri
  3. Saint Thégonnec, at his feet the wolf with the chariot.
  4. Ste. Marie.
  5. Saint Nicolas / Saint Nicholas, with the three children in a barrel.
Gabriel (2) and St. Mary (4) form a annunciaton group.

Saint-Thégonnec - Saints à l'extérieur de l'église Saint-Thégonnec
1. Saint-Jean
Saint-Thégonnec - Saints à l'extérieur de l'église Saint-Thégonnec2. L'ange Gabriel Saint-Thégonnec - Saints à l'extérieur de l'église Saint-Thégonnec3. Saint Thégonnec Saint-Thégonnec - Saints à l'extérieur de l'église Saint-Thégonnec4. Ste. Marie Saint-Thégonnec - Saints à l'extérieur de l'église Saint-Thégonnec5. Saint Nicolas

Saint-Thégonnec or Toquonoc

Nothing further is known of this saint than that he was one of the British disciples Paul of Leon brought with him to Armorica. His name, as Wrmonoc, the author of the Life of S. Paul, says, was Quonoc, but he was also called Toquonoc, with the weU-known honorific prefix.
He is said to have had his horse killed by a wolf ; he accordingly ordered the wild beast to take the place of the slain and devoured domestic animal.
From: S. Baring-Gould and John Fisher, The lives of the British saints (1913)


Sources & Information


  • Country: France
  • Breton saint
  • Doré, Roland
  • Façade with statues (church)
  • Gabriel (Archangel)
  • John the Evangelist, St.
  • Mary, St.
  • Nicholas, St.
  • Thégonnec, St.
  • Locatie (N 48°31'13" - W 3°56'48") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: frbr116; Photograph: 31 May 2012
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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