
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Badajoz (prov.)

Ronda de Circunvalación Reina Sofía / Puente de la Autonomía

Los Tres Poetas

The Three Poets

Luis Álvarez Lencero (1923-1983), Manuel Pacheco Conejo (1920-1998), and Jesús Delgado Valhondo (1909-1993)
Luis Martínez Giraldo

Badajoz /  Los Tres Poetas   Badajoz /  Los Tres Poetas


Bronze sculpture of the three heads of the poets, together on a single base consisting of a forearm resting on a finger with a cane. It is placed on two books in horizontal made in granite and marble, and a vertical made in slate. A fountain and a garden complete the whole. On the vertical book are the verses: "Mi río tiene nombre de mujer y se llama Guadiana" (My river has a woman's name and is called Guadiana, - Manuel Pacheco), "El Guadiana, con falda siempre llena de cielos" (The Guadiana, with skirt always full of skies, - Delgado Valhondo) and "Sólo tengo un corazón tan grande como el Guadiana" (I only have a heart as big as the Guadiana - Álvarez Lencero).

Badajoz - Los Tres Poetas
Luis Álvarez Lencero
(Badajoz 1923 - Mérida 1983)
Extremaduran poet and sculptor (Biography).

Badajoz - Los Tres Poetas
Manuel Pacheco Conejo
(Olivenza 1920 - Badajoz 1998)
Extremaduran poet (Biography).

Badajoz - Los Tres Poetas
Jesús Delgado Valhondo
(Mérida 1909 - Badajoz 1993)
Extremaduran poet (Wikipedia).

Badajoz - Los Tres Poetas


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 38°52'59" - W 6°58'22") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: esex021; Photograph: 4 September 2017
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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