
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Badajoz (prov.)

Ronda del Pilar
(Baluarte de la Trinidad)

Los Cuatro Evangelistas

The Four Evangelists

The four Evangelists are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Their versions of the life of Jesus - the Gospel - are included in the New Testament. In art, they are depicted with their symbols: Eagle (John), Lion (Mark), Bull (Luke) and Angel (Matthew) or just with these symbols in the so-called tetramorphe.


Badajoz /  Los Cuatro Evangelistas   Badajoz /  Los Cuatro Evangelistas


The statues of Four Evangelists, made for the Valley of Los Caídos (San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid) were erected here in 1956 flanking the sculpture the Dead Hero (or Fallen Soldier) by Juan de Ávalos (1950). The Evangelists in bronze are placed on granite murals and appear with their symbols: Saint Matthew with a angel, Saint Mark with a lion, Saint Luke with a bull, and Saint John with an eagle. Later the old Cross of the Fallen, a work of Angel Zoido originally placed in 1943 in the Alcazaba, was incorporated to this set of sculptures.

During the reconstruction of the Baluarte de la Trinidad, the set was rearranged, without the Dead Hero.

Badajoz - Los Cuatro Evangelistas
San Marcos / St. Mark
one the four Evangelists. His attribute is a lion (Wikipedia).

Badajoz - Los Cuatro Evangelistas
San Juan / St. John
conventional name for the author of the Gospel of John - considered to be the same person as John the Apostle (Wikipedia).

Badajoz - Los Cuatro Evangelistas
San Lucas / St. Luke
one of the four Evangelists. His attribute is an ox or bull, usually having wings (Wikipedia).

Badajoz - Los Cuatro Evangelistas
San Mateo / St. Matthew
one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus and one of the four Evangelists. His attribute is an angel. As patron saint of book-keepers, tax collectors and security forces, he is also depicted with writing utensils (Wikipedia).

Sources & Information


Locatie (N 38°52'38" - W 6°57'52") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: esex015; Photograph: 4 September 2017
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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