
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Badajoz (prov.)

Plaza San Atón

Manuel Godoy 'Príncipe de la Paz'

Manuel Godoy 'Prince of the Peace'

Manuel Godoy y Álvarez de Faria
Badajoz 1767 - 1851
Prime Minister of Spain from 1792 to 1797 and from 1801 to 1808. He received many titles including 'Prince of the Peace' (Príncipe de la Paz) by which he is widely known
Luis Martínez Giraldo

Badajoz /  Manuel Godoy 'Príncipe de la Paz'   Badajoz /  Manuel Godoy 'Príncipe de la Paz'


Statue of a Manuel Godoy wearing a military sword of very high rank, a rod as a symbol of power, and at his feet a cannon next to a bouquet of oranges, referring to the oranges Godoy sent to Queen Maria Luisa, collected during the siege of the Portuguese cities.



Badajoz 1767 - París 1851

conservó la integridad de españa
frente a napoleon
y completó su totalidad histórica
mediante la paz de badajoz
de 6 de junio de 1801
que le restituyó olivenza
en el ii centenario
de la guerre de la independencia
la ciudad
le dedica este monumento

6 Junio 2008


Badajoz 1767 - Paris 1851

preserved the integrity of Spain
against Napoleon
and completed its historical totality
through the Peace of Badajoz
of 6 June 1801
that restituted Olivenza
on the 2nd centenary
of the war of independence
the city
dedicates this monument to him

6 June 2008

Este monumento fue erigido
por el Ayuntamiento de Badajoz
siendo Alcalde
Miguel Ángel Celdrán Matute
en colaboración con las
instituciones provinciales y regionales
y diversas instancias y collectivos ciudadanos
Badajoz 6 de Junio de 2008

This monument was erected
by the City of Badajoz
being Mayor
Miguel Ángel Celdrán Matute
in collaboration with the
provincial and regional institutions
and various instances and collectives of citizens
Badajoz 6 June 2008

Badajoz - Manuel Godoy 'Príncipe de la Paz'


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 38°52'36" - W 6°58'17") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: esex004; Photograph: 4 September 2017
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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