Statues - Hither & Thither |
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Barcelona (prov.) Passeig de Sant Joan |
Fray Pedro Ponce de León i Juan Pablo BonetMonument for the founders of education for the deaf-mutes |
Josep Marqués & Josep Miret
1935/66 |
Pedro Ponce de Leon |
Juan Pablo Bonet |
la casa del sordomudo en su 50o aniversario a la sociedad soco- rros mutuos de sordomudos de ca taluna y ciudad de barcellona 1966 |
The house of the deaf-mutes on its 50th anniversary to the society for mutual aid of deaf-mutes of Ca- talonia and the city of Barcelona 1966 |
The front side of the stele:
Fray Pedro Ponce de Leon 1520 -1584 Inventor
Fray Pedro Ponce de Leon 1520 -1584 Inventor of the oral teaching of the deaf-mutes |
The back side of the stele:
Juan Pablo Bonet 1579 -1633 autor de reduccion de las letras y arte para enseñar a hablar a los mudos
Juan Pablo Bonet 1579 -1633 author of the reduction of the letters and the art to teach to speak the mute First treaty of the world on the teaching of the deaf-mutes |
la sociedad de socorros mutuos entre los sordo- -mudos de ambos sexos de cataluña y sus protec- -tores en el xxv aniver- -sario de su actuacion lo dedican en 12 de mayo de 1935 (1909-1934) |
The society of mutual aid among deaf men and women from Catalonia and their protectors at the twenty-fifth anniversary of its existence dedicated this on 12th of May 1935 (1909-1934) |
Signed: (statue) miret
(both portraits) J. Marquès
Juan Pablo Bonet
(Torres del Castellar 1570 - Madrid 1633)
Spanish priest and pioneer of education for the deaf. He published the first book on deaf education, Reducción de las letras y arte para enseñar a hablar a los mudos (Madrid, 1620)
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