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Girona (prov.)

Plaça de l'Ajuntament

Monument commemoratiu del 27 de maig de 1839

Memorial for 27 May 1839


Ripoll /  Monument commemoratiu del 27 de maig de 1839   Ripoll /  Monument commemoratiu del 27 de maig de 1839


Statue of a woman representing Ripoll, with the coat of arms of the town and the palm of martyrdom.


por suscricion popular
a las victimas que su
cumbieron en defensa
de la libertad y sus hoga
res en 27 de mayo de 1839
en 27 de mayo 1897 bajo
los auspicios del mgo ayun
tamiento presidido por d
anto folgrà y llevado a
gabo por una comision de
la que era presidente
d eudo ylla
by popular subscription
to the victims who
cumbered durint the defense
of the freedom and their homes
on 27 May 1839
on 27 May 1897 under
the auspices of the town
council chaired by Mr.
Antonio Folgrà and conducted by
a committee of which was president
Mr. Eusebio Ylla
In 1938 a second plaque was added:
por su altissimo gesto de
constituirse prisionero
del destructor de ripoll,
al negarle la libertad
de sus conciudadanos,
compartiendo con ellos
las penas del cautiverio:
acuerdo del ayuntamiento
xxvii de mayo de mcmxxviii
Tot the undefeated mayor
Antonio Pages Bosch
for his great gesture to
become the prisoner
of the destroyer of Ripoll
by denying the freedom
of his fellow citizens,
sharing the pains of captivity:
The town of Ripoll
pays tribute
of eternal gratitude
Agreed by the city council
27 May 1938

Information Sign

DEL 27 DE MAIG DE 1839

Els orígens d'aquest monument es troben en la primera guerra
carline (1833-1840). La mort de Ferran VII (1833),
comporta l'enfrontament de dues opcions polítiques: la
carlista encapçalada per Carles, germà del rei, i la lliberal,
dirigada per Isabel, filla del monarca.
Les tropes carlines, després de diversos intents fracassats per
ocupar Ripoll, iniciaren sota el comandament del comte
d'Espanya, l'atac definitiu el 19 de maig de 1839.
Els ripollesos resistiren el setge durant vuit dies, fet que
comportà que cert nombre de vilatans morissin o fossin ferits
en la defensa de Ripoll, que quedà força malmesa. Els carlins
entraren a la població el 27 de maig. Tot i la desfeta, Ripoll va
renéixer gràcies a l'empenta i la iniciativa dels ripollesos.
Per a recordança de generacions posteriors, s'instituí la Festa
del 27 de maig, a fi d'homenatjar els ripollesos que defensaren
la vila. El 1896 va néixer la idea d'erigir un monument, que
fou inaugurat el 27 de maig de 1897.
Inicialment estava format per una columna, sobre la qual es
col.locà l'escultura femenina que representa Ripoll, que porta
l'escut de la vila a un costat, i a l'altre sosté la palma del

27 MAY 1839

The origins of this monument is in the first Carlist
war Carline (1833-1840). The death of Ferdinand VII (1833)
involves the clash of two policy options:
the Carlist led by Charles, brother of the king, and the liberal,
directed by Isabel, daughter of the monarch.
The Carlist troops, after several failed attempts to
occupy Ripoll, initiated under the command of the Count
of Spain, the final attack on 19 May 1839.
The Ripoll citizens resisted the siege for eight days, which
meant that a number of villagers were wounded or died
in defense of Ripoll, which was quite damaged. The Carlists
entered the town on 27 May. Despite the defeat, Ripoll was
reborn thanks to the drive and initiative of the Ripoll citizens.
For the remembrance of later generations was instituted the Feast
of May 27, to honor those Ripoll citizens who defended
the town. In 1896 came the idea of erecting a monument which
was inaugurated on 27 May 1897.
Initially it consisted of a column, on which was placed
a female figure representing Ripoll, bearing
the shield of the town on one side, and on the other holding the palm of


Locatie (N 42°12'3" - E 2°11'27") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: escy009; Photograph: 4 September 2011
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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