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Madrigal de las Altas Torres
Ávila (prov.) Convento Agustinas ☒ |
Placa en el lugar de nacimiento de la reina IsabelPlaque at the Birth Place of Queen Isabel |
1951/84/86 |
en vísperas del quinto centenario del primer viaje de cristóbal Colón, al que hoy llamamos continente americano, los ciudadanos del condado de béxar, estado de texas, ee.uu., rinden homenaje a MADRIGAL DE LAS ALTAS TORRES, por ser el lugar de nacimiento de la reina isabel la católica y haber sido ésta la que, con su inteligencia, arrojo amor humano y cristiano y apoyo material, hizo posible el descubrimiento del, entonces, mundo desconocido, el día 12 de octubre de 1492. |
On the advent of the fifth centennial of the initial voyage of Christopher Columbus to America, the citizens of Béxar county, Texas, U.S.A., pay homage to MADRIGAL DE LAS ALTAS TORRES, birthplace of Queen Isabel the catholic whose intellect, boldness of spirit, love of humanity and christianity, and material assistance contributed significantly to the discovery of the then unknown world on October 12, 1492. |
Comision de historia del condado de Bexar
Bexar County Historical Commission San Antonio, Texas, EE.UU./U.S.A., 1984 Dr. Felix D. Almáraz Jr., chairman. |
el centro avila de buenos aires
(The Centro Avila of Buenos Aires to Isabel of Castile, unificator of Spain and discoverer of America)
a doña isabel de castilla unificadora de españa y descubridora de américa 12-10-1951 |
El Colegio Mayor Hispanoamericano
(The Hispano-American Grand College "Our Lady of Guadelupe" in tribute and memory to Isabel I of Castile whose briljant intuition the dreams of Columbus were a company of Spain. 22 April 1986"Ntra. Sra. De Guadelupe" en homena- je y recuerdo a Isabel I de Castilla por cuya intuicion genial los sueños de Colon fueron una empresa de Es- paña. 22 de Abril de 1.986. N.B. The Colegio Mayor Hispanoamericano Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe is located in the university center of Madrid) |
The Bexar plaquette was the start of this website, or as Mike Argento wrote in 2001 in the York Daily Record after I gave him an interview (full article here):
Then, in 1999, he was visiting Spain when he took a side trip to Madrigal de las Altas Torres, a desolate little town on a hilltop in the high plains of central Spain. On the square was an old monastery. Next to the gate was a plaque commemorating it as the birthplace of Queen Isabella, who, if you’ll recall from third-grade history class, sent Columbus sailing across the ocean blue.
Nothing weird about that, except this. The plaque had been put in place in honor of the 500th anniversary of Columbus’s voyage. The group that installed the plaque: The Bexar County Historical Commission of San Antonio, Texas.
Think about that. A historical commission from Texas put up this plaque in Spain to mark the birthplace of Queen Isabella in honor of the anniversary of Columbus’ sailing across the ocean and discovering, not Texas, but the West Indies, which Columbus thought was India anyway because that’s what he was looking for.
Van der Krogt said he figured he might as well do something about this phenomena. So he started up a Web site that lists every Columbus memorial in the world.
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