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Puerto de la Cruz
Tenerife Parque de la Sortija |
Enrique Talg Wyss(1924- 2006) co-founded with his father, manager and owner of Hotel Tigaiga in Puerto de la Cruz(Biography) |
Felipe Hodgson
2008 |
Bust on a stone plinth.
El Excmo. Cabildo Insular de Tenerife a ENTIQUE TALG WYSS 1924-2006 Por su encomiable labor a favor del turismo y el medioambiente, y por su amor y compromiso con Tenerife. Puerto de la Cruz, 18 de febrero de 2008 Autor: Felipe Hodgson Ravina Fundición: Bronzo
The Honourable Island Council of Tenerife to Enrique Talg Wyss 1924-2006 For his commendable work in favour of tourism and the environment, and for his love and commitment to Tenerife. Puerto de la Cruz, 18 February 2008
Sculptor: Felipe Hodgson Ravina Foundry: Bronzo
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