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Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Tenerife Avenida Francisco La Roche / Rambla de Santa Cruz |
Juan Bautista Antequera y BobadillaLa Laguna 1823 - Alhama de Murcia 1890Spanish military and political leader, Vice-Admiral of the Spanish Navy (Wikipedia) |
Enrique Cejas Zaldívar
1977 |
Bust on a stone pedestal.
During the Spanish-South American War of 1865, Antequera took command of the armored frigate Numancia under the command of Admiral Casto Méndez Nuñez attending the bombing of Valparaíso and the battle of Callao. He circumnavigated the earth with his ship.
Este monumento fue erigido por el periodico "El Dia" 1 de noviembre de 1977 |
This monument was erected by the newspaper "El Día" 1 November 1977 |
JUAN BAUTISTA ANTEQUERA Y BOBADILLA 1823-1890 Almirante de la Armada, heroe de la Campaña del Pacifico, Ministro de Marina, Senador for Canarias y primero en dar la volta al mundo en un buque acorazado al mando de la fragata "numancia" "IN LORICATA NAVE PRIMUS CIRCUMDEDISTI ME" EN EL CENTENARIO DE SU MUERTE - 17 MARZO 1990 |
Juan Bautista Antequera y Bobadilla 1823-1890 Navy admiral, hero of the Pacific Campaign, Minister of the Navy, Senator for the Canary Islands and first to circumavigate the world on a battleship as commander of the frigate "Numancia" "In a battleship he circumnavigated me for the first time" On the 100th anniversary of his death - 17 March 1990 |
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