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Tenerife Plaza de San Pedro |
Domingo Pérez CáceresGüímar 1892 - San Cristóbal de La Laguna 1961Bishop of the Diocese of San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Tenerife, or Diocesis Nivariense), 1947-1961 (Wikipedia) |
Enrique Cejas Zaldívar
Fundición Esculturas Bronzo (La Laguna - Tenerife) 1992 |
Statue of Bishop Pérez with spread arms.
D. DOMINGO PEREZ CACERES 1892-1961 parroco de la Iglesia de San Pedro Apostol Dean de la Santa Iglesia Catedral viii Obispo de la Diocesis Nivariense. El pueblo de Guimar en su memoria en el centenario de su nacimiento Ciudad de Guimar, Noviembre de 1992 |
D. Domingo Pérez Cáceres 1892-1961 Parish priest of St. Peter's Church Apostle Dean of the Holy Church Cathedral 8th Bishop of the Diocese of Tenerife. The village of Güímar in his memory on the 100th anniversary of his birth City of Güímar, November 1992 |
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