
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Elegua - Homenaje a los "diabletes de Teguise"

Elegua - Tribute to the Little Devils of Teguise

Rigoberto Camacho

Teguise /  Elegua - Homenaje a los "diabletes de Teguise"   Teguise /  Elegua - Homenaje a los "diabletes de Teguise"


Statue of a man in the costume of a 'Diablete' (little devil). The title comes from the children who run in front of the diablete and often shout ‘¡Elegua, elegua!’ as explained by the sculptor, a former child frightened by the diabletes and a diablete himself.
It is made from polyester resin reinforced with fiberglass and galvanized iron to structure and reinforced inside. The exterior finish is made with iron and copper nitrate, providing durability and permanence over time.



Autor: Rigoberto Camacho Pérez

[Coat of arms: Ayto. de Teguise]

D. Oswaldo Betancort García, Alcalde-Presidente del
Ayuntamiente de Teguise, inauguró esta escultura homenaje a
los "diabletes de Teguise" el 30 de octubre de 2013.

"Los diabletes de Teguise, representan una de las más antiguas tradiciones populares de
Canarias. Las danzas de los Mahos fueron incorporadas a la fiesta de Corpus, asumiendo el
Cabildo de Lanzarote establecido en la Villa de Teguise el mantenimiento de las caretas y
vestidos, así lo recogen las actas del siglo XVII. En la figura del diablete, se pueden observar
elementos de las costumbres y tradiciones de los Mahos, esclavos africanos, y de nuestros
emigrantes. Su careta está considerada como una de las más intrresantes de todo el carnaval
canario. Los Diabletes forman parte del Patrimonio Cultural de la Villa de Teguise".

"The Diabletes of Teguise represent one of the most popular traditions of the Canary Islands. The dances
of the Mahos were incorporated into the celebration of Corpus, assuming the Cabildo of Lanzarote
established in the Villa of Teguise the preservation of masks and dresses, as evidenced in the records
of 17th century. Elements of the costums and traditions of the Mahos, of African slaves and of our
emigrants can be observed in the figure of the Diablete. Its mask is considered to be one of the most
interesting of all the Canary Islands carnival. The Diabletes are part of the cultural heritage of Teguise".

Teguise - Elegua - Homenaje a los "diabletes de Teguise"


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 29°3'30" - W 13°33'34") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: esca459; Photograph: 20 April 2018
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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