
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Gran Canaria

Parque de los Moros

Moros del Tabor

Moors of Tabor

Paco Suárez Díaz

Agüimes /  Moros del Tabor   Agüimes /  Moros del Tabor


Bronze statue of two Moors. One is standing and lights the pipe of a sitting figure.


En abril de 1941, y hasta octubre de 1948, se instalo
en este edificio el Tábor de Regulares, integrado por
soldados españoles y del protectorado de Marruecos.
Este lugar, construido por ellos en 1943, es conocido
como el "Parque de Los Moros", en recuerdo a los
norteafricanos que se asentaron con sus familias, y
convivieron con nosotros, en esta villa, durando esos
años de escasez y dictadura.

Agüimes a 1 de Junio de 2006

From April 1941 until October 1948, in this
building Tabor of the Regulars, lived soldiers
from Spain and from the protectorate of Morocco.
This place, built for them in 1943, is known
as the "Park of the Moors", in memory of the
North Africans who settled here with their families, and
lived with us in this town, lasting these
years of famine and dictatorship.

Agüimes, 1 June 2006


paco suarez diaz | xi - 2005


Because of the Auto Sacramental de los Reyes Magos (Feast of Epiphany) the statue was partly behind a temporary stall.


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 27°54'18" - W 15°26'37") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: esca057; Photograph: 5 January 2015
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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