
Statues - Hither & Thither

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(San Bartolomé de Tirajana)
Gran Canaria

Calle Oceania / Calle de Touroperator Neckermann

Monumento Escala de Colón en 1502

Monument for Columbus' stopover in 1502

Máximo Riol Cimas

Maspalomas /  Monumento Escala de Colón en 1502   Maspalomas /  Monumento Escala de Colón en 1502


Sculpture consisting of a large boulder on which some water barrels and firewood.
There is on the boulder an plaque with explanation in Spanish, on the other side of the foothpad is a boulder with three plaques with the same information in English, French and German.


“desde este lugar partió colón en
su último viaje a las nuevas islas
de las canarias indianas: (américa),
el 25 de mayo de 1.502”.

en conmemoración del “v
centenario de la escala de
colón en maspalomas”.

“from this point columbus set
off for his final voyage to
the new islands of the
canarian indies (america),
on the 25th of may 1502”.

in commemoration of the
v centenary of columbus
stopover in maspalomas”.

“de cet endroit colomb est
parti pour son dernier voyage
aux nouvelles isles des
canaries indiennes (amerique),
le 25 mai 1502”.

en commemoration du
v centenaire de l'escale de
colomb a maspalomas”.

“ab diesem ort begab sich am 25.
mai 1502 columbus auf seine
letzte reise nach den neuen
indeln der indianischen
kanarien (amerika)”.

zur erinnerung an den 500.
jahrestag des aufenthaltes
von columbus in maspalomas”.

Maspalomas - Monumento Escala de Colón en 1502


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 27°44'38" - W 15°35'48") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: esca003; Photograph: 8 January 2015
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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