La Cruz (the cross), is placed in the Parque de la Fontanilla by the Order of the Coldin of Sweden and Finland in memory of the departure of the three caravels on the 5th centenary of the discovery and evangelization of America, on 20 September 1992 (inscription on the soccle). The Swedish Order of the Coldin, founded 1765, is a Christian order connected to sailors and their traditions with a legendary background in Spain and Columbus. The moon is an important symbol.
Explanatory tablet on the pedestal:
La Cruz plantada por la orden de navegantes Coldin de Suecia y Finlandia en memoria de la salida de las tres carabelas y V Centenario del descubrimiento y evangelizacion de America. Palos de la Frontera 20-9-92.
Translation: The cross, erected by order of the Coldin of Sweden and Finland in memory of the departure of the three caravels and the 5th Centenary of the discovery and the evangelization of America. Palos de la Frontera 20-09-92.