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Vanemuise 35
(Jaan Poska Gümnaasium)

Jaan Poska - Tartu rahuleping

Jaan Poska - Peace Treaty of Tartu

Laiusevälja 1866- Tallinn 1920
Estonian barrister and politician. He ed the peace talks with Soviet Russia and achieved Treaty of Tartu which was signed on 2 February 1920
Karisma Arhitektid OÜ

Tartu /  Jaan Poska - Tartu rahuleping   Tartu /  Jaan Poska - Tartu rahuleping


Steel commemorative plaque with an intaglio full length relief of Jaan Poska.


eesti ja venemaa

россией и эстонией.


Minnes välja Venemaa Sotsialistliku Föderatiivse
Nõukogude Vabariigi poolt kuulutatud kõigi rahvaste
vabast, kuni täieliku lahtilöömiseni riigist, mille hulka
nad kuuluvad, enesemääramise õigusest, tunnustab
Venemaa ilmtingimata Eesti riigi rippumatust ja
iseseisvust, loobudes vabatahtlikult ning igaveseks
ajaks kõigist suverään-õigustest, mis olid Venemaal
Eesti rahva ja maa kohta maksvusel olnud riigiõiguslise
korra kui ka rahvusvaheliste lepingute põhjal, mis
nüüd siin tähendatud mõttes edaspidisteks aegadeks
maksvuse kaotavad.


Исходя из провозглашенного Российской Социалис-
тической Федеративной Советской Республикой
права всех народов на свободное самоопределе-
ние вплоть до полного отделения от госу-
дарства, в состав которого они входят,
Россия признает безоговорочно не-
зависимость и самостоятельность
Эстонского Государства и отказы-
вается добровольно и на вечные
времена от всяких суверенных
прав, кои принадлежали России в
отношении к Эстонскому народу
и земле в силу существовавшего
государственно-правового порядка,
а равно на основании международ-
ных договоров, которые в указанном
здесь смысле теряют силу на буду-
щие времена.

Из прежней принадлежности к Рос-
сии для Эстонского народа и земли
не возникает никаких обязательств
в отношении к России.

24. jaanuar 1866 - 7. marts 1920
Eesti delegatsioon juht Tartu rahulepingu sőlmimise



Treaty of Peace
Russia and Estonia



Article 2

In consequence of the right of all peoples
to self-determination, to the point
of seceding completely from the State
of which they form part, a right
proclaimed by the Socialist and Federal
Russian Republic of the Soviets,
Russia unreservedly recognises the
independence and sovereignty of the State
of Estonia, and renounces voluntarily
and for ever all sovereign rights possessed
by Russia over the Estonian people and
territory whether these rights be based
on the juridical position that formerly
existed in public law, or in the international
treaties which, in the sense here indicated,
lose their validity in future.

From the fact that Esthonia has belonged
to Russia, no obligation whatsoever will
fall on the Estonian people and land to Russia.
(Full text)



Jaan Poska
24 January 1866 - 7 March 1920
Leader of the Estonian delegation at the Tartu Peace Treaty

Information Sign

[Text in Estonian and Russian]

The Tartu Peace Treaty was signed in this house on
the 2nd of February 1920, after two months of
negotiations, between the Republic of Estonia and
Soviet Russia. The Peace Treaty de jure secured
Estonia's independence that had been achieved in
the battlefield during the War of Independence
(1918-1920). The terms of the treaty state that
Soviet Russia renounces voluntary and in
perpetuity its entire sovereign rights to the people
and territory of Estonia.
Jaan Poska, head of the Estonian delegation, had
special merits in achieving the treaty that was
favourable to Estonia. His work as the Governor of
the Autonomoys Governorate of Estonia in 1917
and as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of Estonia and Head of the Estonian
Foreign Delegation in Western Europe in 1918-1919
was very important in the process of gaining
independence for Estonia.


The monument was unveild 2 February 2010 at the occasion of the 90th anniversay of the Peace Treaty.


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 58°22'31" - E 26°43'11") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: ee077; Photograph: 8 July 2013
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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