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Karl Ernst von Baer

Karl Ernst Ritter von Baer, Edler von Huthorn (Russian: Карл Эрнст фон Бэр, also known as Karl Maksimovich Baer - Карл Максимович Бэр
Piep Estate, Estonia 1792 - Tartu 1876
Estonian/Russian naturalist, biologist, geologist, meteorologist, geographer, founding father of embryology, explorer of European Russia and Scandinavia, co-founder of the Russian Geographical Society
Oleksandr Opekushin
Alphonse Moran (St. Petersburg)

Tartu /  Karl Ernst von Baer   Tartu /  Karl Ernst von Baer


Bronze statue of Von Baer sitting in a chair with an open book on his lap.


K.E. v. BAER


А. Опекушинь 1886 г.
Отлитъ на заводъ А. Моран с.п.б.

Information Sign

Karl Ernst von Baer

[Text in Estonian]

Karl Ernst von Baer (1792, Piibe manor - 1876, Tartu) was a scientist and a
mediacl man, the founder of descriptive and comparative embryology. He
studied medicine in Tartu and received his doctorate here. He also spent the last
nine years of his life in Tartu. K.E. von Baer accomplished his life's work in St.
Petersburg and Königsberg, publishing his works on embryology, geography,
anthropology, ethnography, and ichthyology there. In 1826, he discovered the
mammal ovule. K.E. von Baer participated in many scientific expeditions. He
discovered the difference between the opposite banks of river, caused by the
rotation of the Earth, and the permafrost of Siberia. Seven geographical objects
have been named in his honour, for example, in Novaya Zemlya, Franz Josef
Land, Spitzbergen, etc.
The monument designed by Aleksandr Opekushin was unveiled on November
28, 1886, on the 10th death anniversart of the scientist

Tartu - Karl Ernst von Baer


Sources & Information


  • Biologist
  • Explorer
  • Geographer
  • Man (sitting)
  • Moran (St. Petersburg), Alphonse
  • Naturalist
  • Opekushin, Oleksandr
  • Scholar / scientist
  • Statue (man sitting)
  • Locatie (N 58°22'51" - E 26°42'57") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: ee073; Photograph: 8 July 2013
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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