
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Narva maantee 95
(Lauluväljak - Song Festival Grounds)

Gustav Ernesaks

Perila, Peningi Parish 1908 - Tallinn 1993
Estonian choir leader, composer and pedagogue
Ekke Väli

Tallinn /  Gustav Ernesaks   Tallinn /  Gustav Ernesaks


Bronze statue of Ernesaks sitting on a slope and looking at the stage.


maestro ausammas püstitat
eesti meestelaulu seltsi juhtimisel
üldrahvaliku korjanduse abil
monument avati 3. vii 2004
Statue erected by for the maestro
by the leaders of the Estonian Male Choir
through a nationwide fund-raising
the monument was unveiled 3 July 2004

Information Sign

GUSTAV ERNESAKS (12.XII.1908 - 24.I.1993)
Väljapaistev rahva pooit armastatud koorijuht.
helilooja ja pedagoog. Oli ligi pool sajandit laulupidude
liikumise üks peamisi eestvedajaid ja üldjüht ning sai
rahvalt hellitusnime Laulutaat. Asutas 1944. aastal
Eesti Rahvusmeeskoori (RAM). olles selle kunstiline
juht kuni surmani.

GUSTAV ERNESAKS (12.XII.1908 - 24.I.1993)
Eminent and beloved choir leader, composer and
pedagogue. For nearly half a century, he was one of
the main initiators and the general leader of the song
festival movement and was lovingly called the Father
of Song by the people. In 1944. he established the
Estonian National Male Choir (RAM) and remained its
music director until his death.

Tallinn - Gustav Ernesaks


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 59°26'37" - E 24°48'35") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: ee031; Photograph: 7 July 2013
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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