Bronze statue of Ørsted, demonstrating how an electric current affects a magnetic needle. The granite pedestal is flanked by three Scandinavian Norns or goddesses of fate: Urd (the past) who is noting the past (and Ørsted's name) on a tablet, Verdande (the present), who with her distaff is spinning the thread of fate, and Skuld (the future), who is silently awaiting the fullness of time with a rune stick in her hand
Urd (the past)
Verdande (the present)
Skuld (the future)
Hans Christian Ørsted
født 14 august 1777
død 9 marts 1851
Information Sign
h.c. Ørsted
af j.a. jerichau
opstillet 1876
københavns kommune
He is the namegiver of the Ørsteds Parken, in which is also a statue for his brother Anders Sandøe Ørsted.
- Jens Adolph Jerichau (Assen, 1816 - Neder Draaby 1883), Danish sculptor (his statue) (Wikipedia).
Sources & Information
Locatie (N 55°40'50" - E 12°34'2") (Satellite view: Google Maps)
Item Code: dk044; Photograph: 10 July 2009
/ updated: 1 March 2011
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
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© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt
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