
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Stadt Eisenach


Georgenstraße 2

Henner und Frieder

Harry and Fritzy

Two characters symbolizing common people of Eisenach. Since the late 19th century 'Henner and Frieder jokes' were widespread in Eisenach. In 1928 they were drawn by the cartoonist Paul Hempe (1886-1973).
Paul Hempe

Eisenach /  Henner und Frieder   Eisenach /  Henner und Frieder


Two figures made of copper sheets on the wall. The present figures were made in 2001 in the initiative of the Geschichtsverein Eisenach.

Information Sign

In diesem Haus, dem ehemaligen
Weinlokal "Zum Rodensteiner",
entstand im August 1928 an einem
Stammtisch Eisenacher Honoratioren
die Idee zur Schaffung Eisenacher
Originale. Der Kunstmaler
Paul Hempe schuf die
beiden lustigen Gesellen
"Henner und Frieder"
die jahrelang in der örtlichen
Presse Jung und Alt erfreuten
und zu unvergessenen Kultfiguren
des "Sommergewinns" wurden.
In this house, the former
wine bar "Zum Rodensteiner",
originated in August 1928 at a
Stammtisch of Eisenach dignitaries
the idea of creating Eisenach
Originals. The painter
Paul Hempe designed the
both funny fellows
"Henner and Frieder"
who for years in the local
press pleased young and old
and became unforgettable cult figures
of the "Sommergewinn".


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 50°58'30" - E 10°19'8") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: deth077; Photograph: 10 October 2018
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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