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Stadt Leipzig Sachsen Universitätsstraße 16
Kaiser Maximilian I.Emperor Maximilian IWiener Neustadt 1459 - Wels 1519Holy Roman Emperor from 1493 until his death (Wikipedia) |
Carl Seffner
1897 |
In the facade of the Städtische Kaufhaus are two niches, with a text in between. The upper niche is ovel shaped and has a bust of Hermes, god of trade; the lower niche has a statue of Emperor Maximilian I with a scroll and sword (and a sign below "kaiser maximilian i. carl seffner 1897".
Erbaut 1895 und 1896 unter König Albert 400 Jahre nach der Bestätigung der Leipziger Messen durch Kaiser Max |
Built in 1895 and 1896 under King Albert 400 years after the confirmation of the Leipzig fairs by Emperor Max |
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