
Statues - Hither & Thither

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St. Wendel
Kr. St. Wendel


Missionshausstraße 50
(Steyler Missionare Missionshaus)

St. Wendalinus, Maria mit Kind und St Paulus

St. Wendelin, Mary with Child, and St. Paul

c. 1900

St. Wendel /  St. Wendalinus, Maria mit Kind und St Paulus   St. Wendel /  St. Wendalinus, Maria mit Kind und St Paulus


The St. Wendel Missionshaus of the missionaries of Steyl was built in several phases from 1899-1900, the church followed 1910-13. On the facades are three statues, St. Mary and St. Wendelin in the tower on the northwest corner and St. Paul high in the north facade.

St. Wendel - St. Wendalinus, Maria mit Kind und St Paulus
Mary and Child
St. Wendel - St. Wendalinus, Maria mit Kind und St Paulus
St. Wendalinus / St. Wendelin (b. c. 554; probably d. 617), hermit and abbot (Wikipedia).
St. Wendel - St. Wendalinus, Maria mit Kind und St Paulus
St. Paulus / St. Paul the Apostle, (c. 5 - c. 67 ), persecuted the early followers of Jesus before switching sides and seeking to join them. He was instrumental in creating the Christian Church. He is the protector of tent-makers, theologians and the ecclesiastical press and is depicted with a sword. (Wikipedia).

Sources & Information


Locatie (N 49°27'52" - E 7°11'30") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: desl075; Photograph: 30 May 2019
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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