
Statues - Hither & Thither

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St. Wendel
Kr. St. Wendel



Brunnen in Stadtpark

Fountain in the Town Park

Märchenbrunnen (Fairy Tale Fountain)
Wilhelm Knapp
Villeroy & Boch (Mettlach)

St. Wendel /  Brunnen in Stadtpark   St. Wendel /  Brunnen in Stadtpark


Stele of a former fountain with on both sides mosaics, which depicts in a colorful manner fairy tales (hence also "Fairytale Fountain"), legends with representations of playing children, animals from different world regions as well as local motives (medieval St. Wendel with city wall, Wendalinus with sheep at the Chapel dedicated to him). At the top is a daytime sky with sun and some flying objects as well as a night sky with a crescent moon on which the first artificial earth satellite launched on 4 October 1957, a 'Sputnik', ascends. The mosaics are designed by Knapp and are made by Villeroy & Boch.

South side:
St. Wendel - Brunnen in Stadpark
Exotic animals, air baloon, sun and planet
St. Wendel - Brunnen in Stadpark
St. Wendelin, fairy tales, playing children
St. Wendel - Brunnen in Stadpark
St. Wendel, playing children
St. Wendel - Brunnen in Stadpark
Aquatic animals, fairy tales
St. Wendel - Brunnen in Stadpark
Fairy tales
North side: St. Wendel - Brunnen in Stadpark
Fairy tales, Chinese, playing children, Sputnik St. Wendel - Brunnen in Stadpark
Fairy tales St. Wendel - Brunnen in Stadpark
Fairy tales, playing children St. Wendel - Brunnen in Stadpark
Fairy tales St. Wendel - Brunnen in Stadpark
Aquatic animals, viking ship

The stele originally stood in the middle of an octagonal well basin; the water bubbled from two tubes at a low level on the narrow sides of the stele. The ground-level parts of the mosaics form accordingly aquatic animals. After the well had already been shut down several years earlier, at the end of the 1990s, the ailing reservoir had been cleared away and replaced by a rectangular, blue concrete surface.


Sources & Information


  • Animals (exotic)
  • Children (playing)
  • Fairy tale
  • Fish
  • Knapp, Wilhelm
  • Rocket
  • Ship / boat
  • Villeroy & Boch (Mettlach)
  • Wendelin, St.
  • Locatie (N 49°27'56" - E 7°10'2") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: desl071; Photograph: 30 May 2019
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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