
Statues - Hither & Thither

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St. Wendel
Kr. St. Wendel


Balduinstraße - Fruchtmarkt

Skulpturen an der Wendalinusbasilika

Sculptures at the Saint Wendelin Basilica

Medieval artist & Hans Steinlein
12th century and 1925

St. Wendel /  Skulpturen an der Wendalinusbasilika   St. Wendel /  Skulpturen an der Wendalinusbasilika


The medieval church has several statues and reliefs.

East entrance

Two statues flanking the doors. The statues are of the 12th century - the present statues are copies.
St. Wendel - Skulpturen an der Wendalinusbasilika
St. Stephan protomartyr of Christianity, preached shortly after Jesus' crucifixion. He is condemned for blasphemy and stoned to death by an infuriated mob (Wikipedia).
St. Wendel - Skulpturen an der WendalinusbasilikaSt. Wendelin (b. c. 554; probably d. 617), hermit and abbot (Wikipedia). (copy of a statue of c. 1320)

North portal

Relief of 1925, designed by Hans Steinlein
St. Wendel - Skulpturen an der Wendalinusbasilika St. Wendel - Skulpturen an der Wendalinusbasilika
Tympanon with a relief showing Christ sitting on a throne flanked by angels holding the instruments of Jesus' agony. In the lower part is the Archangel Michael depicted holding a scale that balances the souls of man against their sins. On the left side are the blessed with palm branches singing the praises of God. On the right the damned: the stinginess with purse, the vanity with mirror and the sensuality with a monkey's face.

South portal (Die Baltersweiler Küche)

Relief of 1925, designed by Hans Steinlein
St. Wendel - Skulpturen an der Wendalinusbasilika St. Wendel - Skulpturen an der Wendalinusbasilika
Relief of St. Mary with Child sitting on a throne under the stars, flanked by kneeling saints with theirs names inscribed in their halos: St. Matthias, sancte matthia o.p.n., patron of the diocese of Trier (left), and St. Wendelin, sancte wendaline o.p.n., right, holding a model of the church in his hands. At the base of Mary's throne is a relief showing Adam and Eve with the tree and snake in Paradise.


Sources & Information


  • Adam and Eve
  • Façade with statues (church)
  • Matthew, St.
  • Medieval artist
  • Michael, St.
  • Steinlein, Hans
  • Stephen, St.
  • Tympanum
  • Wendelin, St.
  • Locatie (N 49°28'4" - E 7°10'14") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: desl059; Photograph: 30 May 2019
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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