
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Brunnen am Kornmarkt

Fountain at the Corn Market

Representation of the city's history
Bernd Göbel

Quedlinburg /  Brunnen am Kornmarkt


Sculpture group around a fountain. The group consists of three columns and a dog:

Quedlinburg - Brunnen am Kornmarkt
Quedlinburg - Brunnen am Kornmarkt
Quedlinburg - Brunnen am Kornmarkt
Quedlinburg - Brunnen am Kornmarkt
  1. The dog Quedel, jumping from his socle and leaving the city since there is nothing to guard anymore. Quedel is the dog guarding the city in the coat of arms.
  2. Historical column - with statues of:
    1. Heinrich I. der Vogler / King Henry I the Fowler (c. 876 - 936), Duke of Saxony, 912-836, and King of Germany, 919-936; The city is first mentioned in 922, as part of a donation by Henry the Fowler. (Wikipedia).
    2. Mathilde die Heilige / Queen Matilda (c. 895-968), wife of Henry I the Fowler (Wikipedia).
    3. Mathilde / Matilda (955-999), the first abbess of Quedlinburg, daughter of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, and grand daughter of Henry I the Fowler (Wikipedia).
  3. Sons and daughters of the city
    1. Bust, with at the bae the letters D E
      Dorothea Christiane Erxleben, geb. Leporin (Quedlinburg 1715 - Quedlinburg 1762), Germany's first female doctor (Wikipedia).
    2. Coin with relief portrait f.g. klopstock
      Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock (Quedlinburg 1724 - Hamburg 1803), German poet. His best known work is his epic poem Der Messias ("The Messiah") (Wikipedia).
    3. Coin with relief portait, partly covered by the bust, visible is the name ritter and the hair
      Carl Ritter (Quedlinburg 1779 - Berlin 1859), German geographer. Along with Alexander von Humboldt, he is considered one of the founders of modern geography (Wikipedia).
    4. Tablet with a relief of a gymnast and the text man treige gymnastik um zu leben aber lebe nicht um gymnastik zu treiben. gutsmuths 1793
      Johann Christoph Friedrich GutsMuths (Quedlinburg 1759 - Ibenhain 1839), German teacher and educator (Wikipedia).
  4. A young and old woman, representing the growth and decay in nature, atop of a tree with a floral garland and atop two seated allegorical figures. This stele shows the importance of Quedlinburg for seed and seed breeding.

(click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)
Quedlinburg -Brunnen am Kornmarkt
Quedlinburg -Brunnen am Kornmarkt
Quedlinburg -Brunnen am Kornmarkt
Quedlinburg -Brunnen am Kornmarkt
Quedlinburg -Brunnen am Kornmarkt
Quedlinburg -Brunnen am Kornmarkt


The fountain was under reconstruction when we visited Quedlinburg.


Sources & Information


  • Educator
  • Erxleben, Dorothea Christiane
  • Fountain
  • Geographer
  • Göbel, Bernd
  • GutsMuths, Johann Christoph Friedrich
  • Henry I the Fowler, King
  • History Sculpture
  • Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb
  • Mathilde (abbess)
  • Mathilde (queen), St.
  • Monarch
  • Physician
  • Ritter, Karl
  • Ritter, Karl
  • Teacher
  • Women (old and young)
  • Writer / poet
  • Locatie (N 51°47'26" - E 11°8'31") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: desa072; Photograph: 11 August 2013
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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