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Stadt Magdeburg



Fährman und Reliefs zur Magdeburger Stadtgeschichte

Ferryman and Reliefs of Magdeburg's History

Eberhard Roßdeutscher

Magdeburg /  Fährman und Reliefs zur Magdeburger Stadtgeschichte   Magdeburg /  Fährman und Reliefs zur Magdeburger Stadtgeschichte


Sculpture showing a ferryman in his boat on a column. To the left and right of the column are six reliefs showing episodes of Magdeburg's history. From right to left:

(click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)
Macht ufn ollen March
Erzgießer und Bildhauer
Otto von Guericke
Pimpinone oder die ungleiche Heyrath
Lehre und Produktion
  1. Macht ufn ollen March / Power on the old market. The medieval market. In 965 Magdeburg was granted a market privilege and became an important trade center. The reliefs shows a cloth trader and a musician, surrounded by children.
    The small reliefs: right: the oldest representation of the town (a glove on a cross), left: the water cycle - clouds, rain drops, sea, evaporation, represebtibg the circular flow of goods through trade.
  2. Erzgießer und Bildhauer / Bronze casters and stonemasons. On the right a sculptor is working on the famous bronze door of the Sophia Cathedral of Novgorod.
    The small reliefs: right: the oldest seal of Magdeburg, left: three owls on a branch, representing prudence, wisdom and talent.
  3. Otto von Guericke (Magdeburg 1602 - Hamburg 1686), German scientist, inventor, and politician, known for the establishment of the physics of vacuums (the famous Magdeburg hemispheres); mayor of Magdeburg. He is shown with a vacuum pump and a barometer. (Wikipedia).
    The small relief at the bottom shows the destruction of the town in 1631. The sun symbolises the city's reconstruction.
  4. Pimpinone oder die ungleiche Heyrath / Pimpinone or the Unequal Marriage. Opera written by Telemann in 1725.
    The small reliefs show Pegasus, the winged horse a symbol of poets, the city arms and singing children.
  5. Lehre und Produktion / Teaching and production. Magdeburg's long industrial tradition. The reliefs shows the production of the Karl Liebknecht Factory for Heavy Machinery. The lower part shows the bombing and rebuilding of the city after 1945.


am 7. oktober 1974
veb schwermaschinenbau
"karl liebknecht"
und dem
rat der stadt magdeburg


Sources & Information


  • Children (singing)
  • Choirboy
  • Coat of arms
  • Ferryman
  • Guericke, Otto von
  • History Sculpture
  • Inventor
  • Mayor
  • Musician
  • Pegasus
  • Physicist
  • Roßdeutscher, Eberhard
  • Sculptor
  • Telemann, Georg Philipp
  • Worker
  • Locatie (N 52°7'49" - E 11°38'43") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: desa026; Photograph: 1 September 2012
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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