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Stadt Mainz




Market Fountain

Valentin Barth

Mainz /  Marktbrunnen   Mainz /  Marktbrunnen


Red sandstone well with a triangular canopy on three square columns. The canopy is surmounted by a triangular column on which a
  1. statue of the Virgin by Valentin Barth. The statue dates from 1890 and replaces a flag.
On the three sides of the column are niches with statues of:

Mainz - Marktbrunnen
Mainz - Marktbrunnen
Mainz - Marktbrunnen
  1. St. Martin
    (Savaria, Pannonia (now Szombathely, Hungary), 316 - Candes-Saint-Martin, Gaul 397), 3rd Bishop of Tours. Around his name much legendary material accrued and he has become one of the most familiar and recognizable Christian saints (Wikipedia).
  2. St. Bonifatius - St. Boniface, with a book (with a hole in it, the sword is missing)
    (Wessex c. 672 - Dokkum 754), the Apostle of the Germans, missionary in the Frankish Empire; patron saint of Germany and the first archbishop of Mainz. He was martyred in Frisia in 754.
  3. St. Ulrich von Augsburg - St. Ulrich of Augsburg, with a fish.
    St. Ulrich of Augsburg (c.890-July 4, 973), sometimes spelled Uodalric or Odalrici, was Bishop of Augsburg and a leader of the Catholic Church in Germany. He was the first saint to be canonized (Wikipedia).

On two faces the coats of arms of Archbishop Cardinal Albrecht von Brandenburg (1490-1545, archbishop since 1514).

Mainz - Marktbrunnen

In 1767 the canopy was extended with coats of arms:

And on the corners of the canopy are coat of arms, and above these are are putti carrying a second coats of arms:

Mainz - Marktbrunnen
Mainz - Marktbrunnen
Mainz - Marktbrunnen
  1. Domkapitel - Cathedral Chapter - (upper) and Diocese of Mainz (lower)
  2. Diocese of Mainz (twice)
  3. Archbishop Joseph Emmerich of Breidbach-Bürresheim (1707-1774, archbishop since 1763) and Domkapitel - Cathedral Chapter - (lower)


accipe hos teritas hæc qvæ monvmeeta paravit
albertvs princeps civibvs ipse svis
qvos amat ex animo cvstos ambitor honesti
vtqvæ vices reddant semper amore cvpit

divo karolo v cæsare semp. avgvs. post victoria
gallicam rege ipso adticinv svperato ac capio
trivphante fataloq. rvsticorv per germnia cosp.
ratione prostrata alber card. et archiep. mog.
fonte hvnc vetvstate dii apsv ad civv svorvm
posteritatis qve vsvm restitv cvravit

Receive posterity what Albert the Prince gave his citizens,
he loves warm as a zealous protector of the
Venerable and will always love, love that they
may retaliate with love.
At the time when Emperor Charles V always Mehrer of the kingdom,
the king of the French defeated at Pavia,
had captured him and destroyed the unfortunate peasant conspiracy in Germany,
Cardinal Albrecht, Archbishop of Mainz, restored this ruined well
to use of his citizens and the offspring.


From 1890 to 1975 the well was placed on the market square.


Sources & Information


  • Country: Germany
  • Barth, Valentin
  • Boniface, St.
  • Coat of arms
  • Fountain
  • Martin, St.
  • Mary with Child
  • Ulrich of Augsburg, St.
  • Locatie (N 49°59'57" - E 8°16'26") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: derp176; Photograph: 1 October 2012
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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