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Eifelkreis Bitburg-Prüm



Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte

Spring Sculpture History of Prüm

Klaus Apel

Prüm /  Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte


Bronze fountain with various scenes from the history of Prüm.

(click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window, except for the arms.)

1ST SCENE: 800-1000

Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte

2ND SCENE: 1000-1200

Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte

Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
scene: 800-1000
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
gargoyle: glove
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
scene: 1000-1200
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
gargoyle: goose
At the beginning there is the cross that at the cemetery indicates the place where the first monastery church was probably built. Abbot Regino from Altrip is sitting at a desk; he was an important historian of the Middle Ages, a musicologist and reformer of the Church.
In 799, the second monastery church, which was built after the refoundation of the abbey by King Pippin at a new place in 752, was consecrated in the presence of Pope Leo III and Emperor Charlemagne.

Arms: signs of Emperor Lothar I, the arms of the abbey, the lamb with the flag (sign of the saviour)

Gargoyle: glove

In the Middle Ages the crafts played an important role and together with them their organisations, the guilds. Three crafts are shown: cartwright - baker - carpenter.
1016 was an important year as Emperor Henry II granted to the shortly before founded St. Mary's Chapter House (12 canons) the right to hold a market. This market exists still today. One scene shows a farmer offering his animals and a farmer's wife with a magnificent goose.

Arms: guild signs of tailors, tanners and bakers.

Gargoyle: goose.

3RD SCENE: 1200-1400

Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte

4TH SCENE: 1400-1600

Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte

Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
scene: 1200-1400
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
gargoyle: three beer barrels
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
scene: 1400-1600
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
gargoyle: stone of the cathedral
In the course of time the possessions of the abbey had grown enormously around Prüm because of numerous donations. Emperor Frederick II elevated "this little land" to a principality under the prince abbot, who was present at the Reichstag with the 65th individual vote. To this principality belonged the areas of Prüm, Schönecken and Schönberg.

Arms: Schönberg - Manderscheid (the dukes of Manderscheid nominated the last two abbots) - Schönecken

Gargoyle: three beer-barrels of the following scene.

Barrels and brewery vats point out that many breweries existed in he area of Prüm, at Prüm alone seven in the course of time. The façade of the monastery church in Prüm, the only baroque façade in the Eifel except that of Himmerod monastery church, was built by the architect of the electorate of Trier, Georg Judas.
In 1576 Prüm loses its independence, the principality is annexed by electorate of Trier. The Elector ties the lamb of Prüm to the stone of the Cathedral.

Arms: brewers, Electorate of Trier, Elector Jakob von Eltz

Gargoyle: stone of the Cathedral.

5TH SCENE: 1600-1800

Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte

6TH SCENE: 1800-2000

Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte

Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
scene: 1600-1800
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
gargoyle: lion's head
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
scene: 1800-2000
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
The well-known baroque painter Januarius Zick, who painted many churches in South Germany, is sitting in front of his easel. In the choir of the former monastery church are two paintings by Zick: the foundation of the abbey and the consecration of the "Golden Church".
Next to him is the architect Johannes Seitz, Balthasar Neumann's master-pupil, in front of the façade of the castle of Prüm, that the Elector Franz Georg von Schönborn had added to the abbey.

Arms: arms of House Schönborn - guila signs of the painters - arms of the last Elector Klemenz Wenzeslaus.

Gargoyle: lion's head, Napoleon's sign of the zodiac.

Napoleon defeats Europe, the Napoleon eagle indicates his empire. With Napoleon the great wars in Europe started. In its seven heads a snake is holding the tools of destruction from the club to the nuclear bomb. Out of the monster's tail barbed wire is growing over an anti-tank obstacle of the Sigfried line and taking the form of a cross. As a sign of hope a pigeon with a palm branch has alighted in the wire-cross. The smith has given a sign by forging the barbed wire into hands of reconciliation.
From the fifties on expositions of the "European artists from Eifel and Ardennes" take place in Prüm. An abstract figure points to that: Two figures stretch out their arms to welcome the guest. The central figure represents the visitor in Prüm.
At the end ot the century the mother hesitatingly releases her child into the next millenium. An orchid asks people to care that she can survive and that the vision the fish indicates with poisonous signs will not come true, the vision that pure water will not flow any more.

Arms: Prussia - guild signs of the smiths - arms of Rheinland-Pfalz.

(click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)

Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
Abbot Regino
(1st scene)
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
Pope Leo III
(1st scene)
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
Emperor Charlemagne
(1st scene)
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
The Guilds (Zünfte):
cartwright, baker, carpenter
(2nd scene)
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
The Prince Abbot voting
(3rd scene)
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
The monastery church
(4th scene)
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
Elector Jakob von Eltz
(4th scene)
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
The painter Januarius Zick with his easel
(5th scene)
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
The architect Johannes Seitz in front of the façade of the castle of Prüm
(5th scene)
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
Barbed wire and the peace dove
(6th scene)
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
The smith
(6th scene)
Prüm - Brunnenplastik Prümer Stadtgeschichte
A mother releasing her child into the next millenium
(6th scene)


Brunnen Plastik
Stadtgeschichte Prüm
von Klaus Apel Trier

Information Sign

See the pdf of the leaflet from the Tourist Office. The same text is on a panel near the fountain. The descriptions of the scenes above is the English text of this leaflet.


Sources & Information


  • Architect
  • Baker
  • Carpenter
  • Charlemagne
  • Coat of arms
  • Eltz, Jakob von
  • Emperor
  • Fountain
  • History Sculpture
  • Leo III, Pope
  • Painter
  • Regino, abbot
  • Seitz, Johannes
  • Smith
  • Wheelwright
  • Woman with child
  • Zick, Januarius
  • Locatie (N 50°12'30" - E 6°25'33") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: derp158; Photograph: 21 April 2012
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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