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Luther Denkmal

Luther Monument

Martin Luther
Eisleben 1483 - Eisleben 1546
German priest and professor of theology who initiated the Protestant Reformation
Various sculptors
Kunstgießerei Lauchhammer

Worms /  Luther Denkmal   Worms /  Luther Denkmal


The Luther Monument (Luther-Denkmal) in Worms is the largest Reformation monument in the world and contains nine statues and eight portrait medallions of the most important figures in the Reformation. The monument includes twelve statues:
Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse Magdeburg Philipp Melanchthon Speyer Johannes Reuchlin Augsburg Frederick III, Elector of Saxony Girolamo Savonarola Jan Hus John Wycliffe Peter Waldo Martin Luther
Click on a column for an enlargement in a separate window
    Centerpiece of the monument:
  1. Statue of Martin Luther. Signed: E. Rietschel fecit.
    Martin Luther (Eisleben 1483 - id. 1546), Initiator of the Protestant Reformation (Wikipedia).

    Seated at his feet are the main forerunners of the Reformation:

    Girolamo Savonarola
    Peter Waldo
    John Wycliffe
    Jan Hus
    (click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)

  2. hieronymus savonarola 1498. Signed: A. Donndorf fecit.
    Girolamo Savonarola (Ferrara 1452 - Florence 1498), an Italian Dominican friar, Scholastic, preached vehemently against the moral corruption of much of the clergy at the time (Wikipedia).
  3. petrus waldus 1197. Signed: A. Donndorf fecit.
    Peter Waldo, also Pierre Vaudès or de Vaux (c. 1140 - c. 1218), credited as the founder of the Waldensians, a Christian spiritual movement of the Middle Ages (Wikipedia).
  4. johann wiclef 1387. Signed: E. Rietschel fecit.
    John Wycliffe (Ipreswell c. 1328 - Lutterworth 1384), English Scholastic philosopher, theologian, lay preacher, known as an early dissident in the Roman Catholic Church; his followers were known as Lollards (Wikipedia).
  5. johann huss 1415. Signed: G. Kietz fecit.
    Jan Hus (Husinec c. 1369 - Konstanz 1415), Czech priest, philosopher, reformer, and master at Charles University in Prague. After John Wycliffe, the theorist of ecclesiastical Reformation, he was, before Luther, Calvin and Zwingli, the first actual Church reformer (Wikipedia).

    On the corners in front of Luther, two powerful princes who played a large role in the political success of the Reformation:

    Frederick III, Elector of Saxony
    Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse
    (click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)

  6. friedrich der weise kurfürst von sachsen. Signed: A. Donndorf fecit.
    Friedrich III., auch Friedrich der Weise, Kurfürst von Sachsen (Frederick III, Elector of Saxony) (Torgau 1463 - Langau 1525), one of the most powerful early defenders of Martin Luther, Lutheranism, and the Protestant Reformation (Wikipedia).
  7. philipp der grossmütige landgraf von hessen. Signed: G. Kietz fecit.
    Philipp I. der Großmütige Landgraf von Hessen (Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse) (Marburg 1504 - Kassel 1567), leading champion of the Reformation and one of the most important German rulers of the Reformation (Wikipedia).

    On the corners behind Luther, two important Protestant scholars

    Johannes Reuchlin
    Philipp Melanchthon
    (click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)

  8. johannes reuchlin. Signed: A. Donndorf fecit.
    Johannes Reuchlin (Pforzheim 1455 - Stuttgart 1522), a German humanist and a scholar of Greek and Hebrew, although suspected of a leaning toward Protestantism, Reuchlin never left the Roman Catholic Church (Wikipedia).
  9. philipp melanchthon. Signed: G. Kietz fecit.
    Philipp Melanchthon (Bretren 1497 - Wittenberg 1560), born Philipp Schwartzerdt, was a German reformer, collaborator with Martin Luther, the first systematic theologian of the Protestant Reformation, intellectual leader of the Lutheran Reformation (Wikipedia).

    Three seated women on the sides represent the first German cities to adopt Protestantism:

    (click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)

  10. augsburger friede 1555. Signed: G. Kietz fecit.
    Refers to the Confessio Augustana of 1530 and the Augsburger Religionsfrieden (Peace of Augsburg - Wikipedia) of 1555
  11. protestierende speyer 1529. Signed: I. Schilling fecit.
    Refers to the Reichstag von Speyer 1529 (Diet of Spires). The diet condemned the results of the Diet of Speyer of 1526 and prohibited future reformation (Wikipedia).
  12. trauernde magdeburg 1631. Signed: A. Donndorf fecit. Refers to the Magdeburger Hochzeit (Sack of Magdeburg), the siege and subsequent plundering of the largely Protestant city of Magdeburg by the forces of the Holy Roman Empire and the Catholic League during the Thirty Years' War (Wikipedia).

On the pedestal of Luther are (all clockwise starting with the front side):

Four texts:

hier stehe ich,
ich kann nicht anders,
got helfe mir! amen!
der glaube ist nichts anderes,
denn das rechte, wahrhaftige
leben in gott selbst.–
die schrift recht zu verstehen,
dazu gehoert der geist
das evangelium welches der herr
den aposteln in den mund gelegt hat,
ist sein schwert,
damit schlaegt er in die welt,
als mit blitz und donner.
die christum recht verstehen,
die wird keine menschensatzung
gefangen nehmen koennen,–
sie sind frei,
nicht nach dem fleische,
sondern nach dem gewissen.

Eight portraits:

John Frederick I, Elector of Saxony
John, Elector of Saxony
Johannes Bugenhagen
Justus Jonas
Franz von Sickingen
Ulrich von Hutten
Huldrych (or Ulrich) Zwingli
Jean Calvin
(click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)

  1. johann friedrich der grossmütige
    Johann Friedrich I. der Großmütige von Sachsen (John Frederick I, Elector of Saxony) (Torgau 1503 - Weimar 1554), Head of the Protestant Confederation of Germany (the Schmalkaldic League), "Champion of the Reformation" (Wikipedia).
  2. johann der beständige
    Johann der Beständige, Kurfürst von Sachsen (John, Elector of Saxony) (Meissen 1468 - Schweinitz 1532), leader of the Schmalkaldic League of Protestant states formed in 1530 to protect the Reformation (Wikipedia).
  3. johann bugenhagen
    Johannes Bugenhagen (Wollin 1485 - Wittenberg 1558), also called Doctor Pomeranus by Martin Luther, introduced the Protestant Reformation in the Duchy of Pomerania and Denmark in the 16th century (Wikipedia).
  4. justus jonas
    Justus Jonas (Nordhausen 1493 - Eisfeld 1555), German Lutheran reformer (Wikipedia).
  5. franz von sickingen
    Franz von Sickingen (Ebernburg 1481 - Burg Nanstein 1523), German knight, one of the most notable figures of the first period of the Reformation (Wikipedia).
  6. ulrich von hutten
    Ulrich von Hutten (Burg Steckelberg 1488 - Ufenau 1523), outspoken German critic of the Roman Catholic Church and a bridge between the humanists and the Lutheran Reformation (Wikipedia).
  7. ulrich zwingli
    Huldrych (or Ulrich) Zwingli (Wildhaus, St. Gallen 1484 - Kappel, Zürich 1531), leader of the Reformation in Switzerland (Wikipedia).
  8. johann calvin
    Jean Calvin (Noyon 1509 - Genève 1564), French theologian and pastor during the Protestant Reformation (Wikipedia).

Four reliefs, with texts about the construction of the monument:

Luther vor Kaiser Karl V. in Worms 1521
Relief 1
Abendmahl Priesterehre
Relief 2
Thesenanschlag zu Wittenberg 1517
Relief 3
Bibelübersetzung predigt
Relief 4
(click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)

  1. luther vor kaiser karl v. in worms 1521
    Begonnen 1856 Vollendet 1868.
  2. abendmahl priesterehre
    Entworfen und zum Theil ausgeführt von E. Rietschel
  3. thesenanschlag zu wittenberg 1517
    Gegossen und ciselirt zu Lauchhammer.
  4. bibelübersetzung predigt
    Die Architectur gezeichnet von H. Nicolai.

Seven coats of arms.

(click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)

  1. kursachsen.
  2. brandenburg.
  3. anhalt.
  4. reutlingen.
  5. nürnberg.
  6. braunschweig-lüneburg.
  7. hessen.

On the balustrades of the sides are 27 coats of arms of towns that played an important role in the Reformation, placed in alphabetical order:

Braunschweig Bremen Konstanz Eisenach> Augsburg Eisleben Emden Erfurt Frankfurt a.M. Schwäbisch-Hall Hamburg Heilbronn Jena Speyer Königsberg Leipzig Lindau Lübeck Marburg Memmingen Nördlingen Riga Magdeburg Schmallkalden Strassburg Ulm Wittenberg
(click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)
  1. braunschweig.
  2. bremen.
  3. konstanz (originally "Constanz")
  4. eisenach.
  5. Augsburg (on the pedestal of statue 10).
  6. eisleben.
  7. emden.
  8. erfurt.
  9. frankfurt a.m.
  1. schwäbisch-hall.
  2. hamburg.
  3. heilbronn.
  4. jena.
  5. Speyer (on the pedestal of statue 11).
  6. königsberg.
  7. leipzig.
  8. lindau.
  9. lübeck.
  1. marburg.
  2. memmingen.
  3. nördlingen.
  4. riga.
  5. Magdeburg (on the pedestal of statue 12).
  6. schmallkalden.
  7. strassburg.
  8. ulm.
  9. wittenberg.


The concept of the monument was by Ernst Rietschel, who made two of the statues himself (Luther and John Wycliffe). Three other sculptors made the other statues:
  1. Adolf von Donndorf: Girolamo Savonarola, Peter Waldo, Frederick the Wise of Saxony, Johannes Reuchlin and Magdeburg.
  2. Gustav Adolph Kietz: Jan Hus, Philipp Melanchton, Philip of Hesse, and Augsburg.
  3. Johannes Schilling: Speyer.


Sources & Information


  • Hus, Jan
  • Hutten, Ulrich von
  • John (Elector of Saxony)
  • John Frederick (Elector of Saxony)
  • Jonas, Justus
  • Kietz, Gustav
  • Lauchhammer, Kunstgießerei
  • Luther, Martin
  • Magdeburg (allegory)
  • Melanchthon, Phillipp
  • Monarch
  • Philip I (Landgrave of Hessen)
  • Reformer
  • Reuchlin, Johannes
  • Rietschel, Ernst
  • Savonarola, Girolamo
  • Schilling, Johannes
  • Sickingen, Franz von
  • Speyer (allegory)
  • Statue (man)
  • Theologian
  • Waldo, Peter
  • Wycliffe, John
  • Zwingli, Huldrych
  • Locatie (N 49°37'56" - E 8°21'36") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: derp073; Photograph: 25 September 2011
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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