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(Stadt Wetter (Ruhr)) Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis Nordrhein-Westfalen Königstraße 17
Sankt RafaelSaint Raphael(Hebrew רָפָאֵל, Rāfāʾēl, "God Heals"), archangel, who performs all manners of healing(Wikipedia) |
Students of the St. Rafael Grundschule
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Abstract statue of the archangel Raphael with on his wings the words Glück, Behutsamkeit, Friede, Liebe (Happiness, gentleness, peace, love) and similar words. On the backside of the wings are reliefs of many hands.
The hands of Raphael are missing.
It is obvious a school project of the St. Rafael Grundschule, which uses an image of the statue as logo.
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