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An St. Quintin 3
(Atrium - Essener Dom)

Bronzetüre des Südportals des Atriums

Bronze Doors of the South Portal of the Atrium

Toni Schneider-Manzell

Essen /  Bronzetüre des Südportals des Atriums   Essen /  Bronzetüre des Südportals des Atriums


The atrium, also called paradise, connects the minster church with the church of St. John. On the north and south side it has bronze doors.
The doors of the southern portal show St. Mary sitting on a throne with the Child on her lap and the patron saints of the Minster Church, Sts. Cosmas and Damian. When closed, in the four corners of the doors are vignettes of the Four Evangelists. At the top are two coats of arms and Latin texts:
(left) qvodcvmqve dixerit vobis facite (Do whatever he tells you) ( in the words that Mary addressed to the servants at Cana).
(right) eriti mihi testes (You shall be my witnesses) (motto the the coat of arms of Franz Hengsbach). The tympanum shows God in a throne in the sky. At the inner side, the tympanum shows two bishops kneeling at an altar with cross and chalice.

Essen - Bronzetüre des Südportals des Atriums Essen - Bronzetüre des Südportals des Atriums Essen - Bronzetüre des Südportals des Atriums Essen - Bronzetüre des Südportals des Atriums
Left door with St. Mary sitting on a throne with the Child on her lap. Right door with Sts. Cosmas and Damian.
Essen - Bronzetüre des Südportals des Atriums
Angel - St. Matthew (top left)
Essen - Bronzetüre des Südportals des Atriums
Eagle - St. John (top right)
Essen - Bronzetüre des Südportals des Atriums
Lion - St. Mark (bottom left)
Essen - Bronzetüre des Südportals des Atriums
Bull - St. Luke (bottom right)
Essen - Bronzetüre des Südportals des Atriums
Left door: Unknown coat of arms.
Essen - Bronzetüre des Südportals des Atriums
Right door: Coat of arms of Franz Cardinal Hengsbach.
Essen - Bronzetüre des Südportals des Atriums
Tympanum outer side.
Essen - Bronzetüre des Südportals des Atriums
Tympanum inner side.


Sources & Information


  • Country: Germany
  • Bishop
  • Bronze door
  • Cosmas and Damian, Sts.
  • Evangelists (Four)
  • God the Father
  • Mary with Child
  • Schneider-Manzell, Toni
  • Tympanum
  • Locatie (N 51°27'20" - E 7°0'48") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: denw944; Photograph: 30 July 2022
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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