
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Emmerich am Rhein
(Stadt Emmerich am Rhein)
Lkr. Kleve


Christoffelstraße / Rheinpromenade


Saint Christopher

(Greek: Χριστόφορος, 'Christ-bearer'),
martyr of the 3rd century. Carried Christ as a child across a river
Patrick Beverloo & 17th century sculptor
2005-06 (17th century)

Emmerich am Rhein /  Christophorus   Emmerich am Rhein /  Christophorus


Marble stele with on one site a statue of Saint Christopher with the Christ Child. This statue is a modern reproduction of the 17th-century (?) statue at St. Christopher's Gate, that survived the destruction of the city and is now in the Rheinmuseum.


schaue auf christophorus
dan gehe beschützt deinen weg
videas postea
tvtvs eas

in mahnende erinnerung
durch spenden der
konnte diese
an die zerstörung der stadt am 7. oktober 1944 - auf initiative von
stadtsparkasse emmerich-rees, der volksbank emmerich-rees e.g. und
christophorusstele errichtet werden.         am 7. oktober 2006
gesellschaft bürgerverein e.v. an die bürger der stadt emmerich a.rh.
norbert gies und
vieler emmericher bürger
wurde sie von der
In remembrance of the destruction of the city on 7 October 1944 - on the initiative of Norbert Gies and
through donations from Stadtsparkasse Emmerich-Rees, the Volksbank Emmerich-Rees E.G. and many emmerich citizens
is this christophorus stele erected. On 7 October 2006 it was
handed over by the civic association to the citizens of Emmerich a.Rh.


bildhauer patrick beverloo, 's heerenberg (nl)
steinmanufaktur guido splittorf, emmerich a.rh.


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 51°49'46" - E 6°14'38") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: denw815; Photograph: 28 July 2022
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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