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Citizens Fountain

Bonifatius Stirnberg

Lippstadt /  Bürgerbrunnen   Lippstadt /  Bürgerbrunnen


Fountain with at the basin edge nine movable bronze figures of locally known figures:
    Around the main basin, first five historical figures:

    Lippstadt - Bürgerbrunnen
    Lippstadt - Bürgerbrunnen
    Lippstadt - Bürgerbrunnen
    Lippstadt - Bürgerbrunnen

  1. Bernhard II, Bernhard II., Edelherr zur Lippe, (Burg Lipperode c. 1140 - Mesothen 1224), Lord of Lippe from 1167 through 1196. He founded the towns of Lippstadt and Lemgo. (Wikipedia).
  2. Friedrich der Grosse / Frederick the Great, Friedrich II. König von Preußen (Berlin 1712 - Potsdam, Sanssouci 1786), King in Prussia (1740-1772) and a King of Prussia (1772-1786) - Brandenburg-Prussia was from 1666 initially co-ruler next to the house of Lippe and from 1850 sole ruler of Lippstadt (Wikipedia).
  3. Bürgermeister Bertram, Friedrich Bertram (1787-1863), mayor of Lippstadt, 1830-1850, brought by his insistence the railroad to Lippstadt.
  4. Gräfin Amalie - Gräfin Amalie Elisabeth von Hanau-Münzenberg, married in 1619 to William V, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel. She was Regent of Hesse-Kassel from 1637 until 1650 as the guardian of her under age son William VI, ruler of Lippstadt during the occupation by Hessen, 1633-1652 (Wikipedia).

    Lippstadt - Bürgerbrunnen
    Lippstadt - Bürgerbrunnen
    Lippstadt - Bürgerbrunnen
    Lippstadt - Bürgerbrunnen

  5. Mönch Westermann - Dr. Johannes Westermann (Münster c. 1490 - Hofgeismar 1542), former Augustinian monk, brought the reformation to Lippstadt (Wikipedia).
  6. Kaufmann / Merchant, representing one of the three estates, merchants, farming citizens and craftsmen.
  7. Bäuerin / Farmer's wife, representing one of the three estates, merchants, farming citizens and craftsmen.
  8. Simplissimus - Simplicius Simplicissimus, main character of the picaresque novel Der Abentheuerliche Simplicissimus Teutsch, written in 1668 by Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen. Part of the novel is located in Lippstadt (Wikipedia).

    In the point of the lower basin:

    Lippstadt - Bürgerbrunnen

  9. Gerber / Tanner, representing one of the three estates, merchants, farming citizens and craftsmen. The special relationship of the craftsmen to the city leaders is clearly demonstrated by the position of a tanner, his back is facing the town hall.


gespendet von Bürger aus Anlass
des 800 jährigen Jubiläums der Stadt

eingeweiht am 6. Mai 1988
durch Bürgermeister F. Knocke

Lippstadt - Bürgerbrunnen


Sources & Information


  • Bernhard II zur Lippe
  • Bertram, Friedrich
  • Farmer`s wife
  • Fictional character
  • Fountain
  • Frederick II (King of Prussia)
  • Mayor
  • Merchant
  • Monarch
  • Reformer
  • Simplicissimus, Simplicius
  • Stirnberg, Bonifatius
  • Tanner
  • Westermann, Johannes
  • Locatie (N 51°40'34" - E 8°20'47") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: denw382; Photograph: 12 September 2015
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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