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Kr. Wesel Nordrhein-Westfalen Kapittel
Berendonck'sche KalvarienbergBerendonck CalvaryCalvary or Golgotha was the site, outside of ancient Jerusalems early first century walls, at which the crucifixion of Jesus occurred. In religius sculpture, a calvary is a type of monumental public crucifix with two or more adjoining statues(Wikipedia) |
1536 |
Hevs tv siste viator Pro te conditor orbis Restat. poplite flexo Servatoris adores Gerardvs Berendonck |
Qvis sim. svspice fixvs Cvlpam morte p. avi Denvdes capvt atque Immortale trophevm Canonicvs xanct. F.C. |
1525 |
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