
Statues - Hither & Thither

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(Stadt Herzogenrath)
Städteregion Aachen


Burgstraße 5
(Burg Rode, forecourt)

Social Sofa: Über die Grenze

Social Sofa: Across the border

Regina Leue

Herzogenrath /  Social Sofa: Über die Grenze   Herzogenrath /  Social Sofa: Über die Grenze


Social Sofa with a mosaic motives from 'Eurode' (=Herzogenrath and Kerkrade).
For the city of Herzogenrath the "Moses" and the "Bockreiter", for the municipality of Kerkrade the "Jupp", the EBC as a building in the middle of the border, as well as the monuments of the Historical Triangle: Rolduc Abbey and Rode Castle. As a reference to the common mining period, the Adolf mine is depicted from Germany and the Dominale mine for Kerkrade. From the more recent history a boundary stone of the Neustraße and as a reminder of the cooperation the connecting piece, which connects the fire hoses of the fire departments of Herzogenrath and Kerkrade.
On the back are the Dutch and German title: over de grens and über die grenze.

Social Sofa

Social Sofas are concrete living room model sofas covered with mosaic.
The idea comes from Tilburg-based Karin Bruers. Her company Social Sofa (Tilburg, now Oisterwijk) manufactures - or guides enthusiasts to manufacture - them. There are 150 of them in Tilburg alone. Some of these sofas show human or animal representations, the ones we happened to see are included on this site.
See Social Sofa, Socias Sofa Website and Karin Bruers, Social Sofa.


Gerealiseerd door het Openbaar Lichaam Eurode
Realisiert durch den Zweckverband Eurode
und viele Bewohner von Eurode
en veel bewoners van Eurode
Realised by the Eurode administration union

and many residents of Eurode


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 50°52'1" - E 6°5'25") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: denw1224; Photograph: 16 September 2024
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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