
Statues - Hither & Thither

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(Stadt Frechen)




St Martin's Riders

Willy Meller

Frechen /  Martinsreiter   Frechen /  Martinsreiter


Slender column - originally the centrepiece of a fountain - topped by a sculpture of St. Martin shares his cloak with a beggar. Scenes from a St. Martin's procession with lantern-carrying children revolve in four bands around the column, accompanied by the words of the the first verse of the Rhineland St. Martin's song Dä hellige Zint Määten:

dä hellige zint määten dat wor ne jode mann
dä jov dä kinder kääze un stoch se selver aan
butz butz wider butz dat wor ne jode mann
butz butz wider butz dat wor ne jode mann

In standard German: "Der heilige Sankt Martin, das war ein guter Mann, der gab den Kindern Kerzen, und machte sie selber an; but butz wieder butz das war ein guter Mann" (The holy Saint Martin, that was a good man, he gave candles to children and lit them himself; buts, buts and buts again, that was a good man).

The complete text in a slightly different spelling of the Rhineland dialect can be found here: D'r hellije Zinter Mätes.

At the foot is the text: geplant u. gestiftet von herrn otto lindemann (planned and founded by Otto Lindemann).

Frechen - Martinsreiter Frechen - Martinsreiter Frechen - Martinsreiter Frechen - Martinsreiter


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 50°54'59" - E 6°48'25") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: denw1172; Photograph: 15 September 2024
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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