Statue of a female dance, standing on her toes with her hands on her back.
Stadtpark Rheine
Rheine's Stadtpark contains around 30 artworks (*), most of which were placed on the occasion of two projects:
- Skulpturenforum Rheine 1988
To mark the city's 1150th anniversary in 1988, the Norddeutsche Bildhauergruppe Münster e.V. set up a sculpture exhibition, the "Skulpturenforum Rheine", in the Stadtpark. Some of the works remained in the city park.
- Sculpturenprojekt Stadtpark Rheine 2002
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Stadtpark Rheine and the Verein Stadtpark Rheine e.V., the
"Skulpturenprojekt Stadtpark Rheine 2002" took place. Some of the artists who took part in 1988 were invited to participate again.
Incidently, some works have been placed at other occasions.
All works are placed on our website, including the abstract ones.
Click here for an interactive map
- Gespräch (Conversation) by Josef Krautwald, 1992
- Wasser und Sonne (Water and Sun) by Nic Jonk, 1988
- Progresso Interrogativo (Interrogative Progress) by Ralf Heimann, 2002
- Ohne Titel (Untitled) by Alma Wienhausen, 2002
- Mensch (Human) by Josef Rikus, 1988
- Tier (Animal) by Josef Rikus, 1988
- Freundinnen (Girlfriends) by Jürgen Ebert, 2019
- Hühnergruppe (Group of chickens) by Hans Eickworth, 1992
- Sitzender Junge (Sitting boy) by Jürgen Ebert, 2003
- Wasserbaron (Water Baron) by Otmar Alt, 1988
- Nashorn (Rhinoceros) by an unknown soldier, ca. 1960, in Stadtpark 1980s
- Puma by Hans Gerd Ruwe, 1988
- Marktbegeherin (Market goer) by Rudolf Breilmann, 1997, in Stadtpark 2018
- Flötenspielerin (The Flute Player) by Bernhard Kleinhans, 2002
- L'Intruso (The Intruder) by Ralf Heimann, 1988
- Ohne Titel (Untitled) by Alma Wienhausen, 1988
- Ohne Titel (Untitled) by Alma Wienhausen, 1988
- Name unbekannt (Name unknown) by an unknown sculptor (not seen by us)
- Viator by Heinrich Hüwel, 1988
19a Ex-Viator-Ex by Heinrich Hüwel, 2002
- Colloquico (Colloquial) by Ralf Heimann, 2002
- Adler I/ Adler II (Eagle couple - Eagle I/Eagle II) by Hans Gerd Ruwe, 1988
- Arche (The Ark) by Basilius Kleinhans, 2002
- Nr. Two by Uwe Pülz, 1988
- Lesende (Reading Girl) by Jürgen Ebert, 2002
- Tänzerin I (Dancer I) by Yunus Tonkuş, 1988
- Städtepartnerschafts-Stele (Town Partnership Column) by Ipolitas Užkurnys, 1996
- Wasserspiel (Fountain, not seen by us, probably removed)
- Jubiläumsstele mit zwei Sonnenuhren (Anniversary stele with two sundials), 2002
- Trinkwasserspender by Josef Krautwald, 1988/2007
(*) The list on the official website list 30 works (numbered 1 - 29, including 19a), number 18 we haven't seen and number 27 is probably removed.
Sources & Information
Locatie (N 52°16'39" - E 7°27'21") (Satellite view: Google Maps)
Item Code: denw1116; Photograph: 26 July 2024
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt
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