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Stadt Bochum Nordrhein-Westfalen Willy-Brandt-Platz
Kreuz der Engel — Cruz de los ÁngelesCross of the AngelsWappen von OviedoCoat of Arms of Oviedo |
artist unknown
1991 |
Relief plaque with the Cross of the Angels, a 9th century cross in the cathedral of Oviedo (: a cross with two kneeling angels). It also is the figure on coat of arms of Bochum's sister city Oviedo in Spain.
geschenk der bürger der stadt oviedo an die bürger der stadt bochum aus anlaß des 10 jähriges bestehens der städtepartnerschaft oviedo - bochum august 1991 |
Gift from the citizens of the city of Oviedo to the citizens of the city of Bochum on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the town twinning Oviedo - Bochum August 1991 |
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