
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Stadt Braunschweig



Altstadtmarkt- oder Marienbrunnen

Old Town Market of St. Mary's Fountain

Medieval artist
1408 (replica)

Braunschweig /  Altstadtmarkt- oder Marienbrunnen   Braunschweig /  Altstadtmarkt- oder Marienbrunnen


Late Gothic three-bowl fountain, which was cast in lead on 24 November 1408. The three differently sized, pyramid-shaped bowls are decorated with numerous coats of arms, figures, floral decorations and inscriptions in Middle Low German and Latin. The fountain is topped by a tabernacle in which a statue of St Mary with Child. It is not known who designed the fountain, where it was cast or who carried out the casting. Equally unknown are those who created the figures, letters and other decorations or made the tabernacle.

The fountain was very badly damaged in World War II and partly completely destroyed. In the years 1946 to 1951, the fontain was reconstructed based on the photographs and plaster casts made by Ludwig Winter in 1913 and on drawings and measurements made by A. Heubach in 1903.


Braunschweig - Altstadtmarkt- oder Marienbrunnen Braunschweig - Altstadtmarkt- oder Marienbrunnen
Statue is a sitting Mary with child in a tabernacle. On the four pillars the four evangelists (without their symbols)

Upper bowl

In contrast to the two lower bowls, the smallest upper bowl has neither an inscription band nor depictions of people or objects, but is completely surrounded by a stylised leaf frieze, which is interrupted by lion heads at regular intervals, as in the other bowls.

Middle bowl

Twenty coats of arms of the town, the dukes of Braunschweig, the Nine Worthies (nine good heroes: the three pagan heroes Hector, Alexander, and Julius; the three Jewish heroes, David, Judas, and Joshua, the son of Nun; and the three Christian heroes, Charlemagne, Arthur, and Godfrey of Bouillon) the imperial coat of arms and the seven electorates of Mainz, Bohemia, Cologne, Saxony, Bavaria, Trier and Brandenburg; and finally the Guelph lines, the land of Brunswick and Lüneburg.

Braunschweig - Altstadtmarkt- oder Marienbrunnen
brunswick, ector, allexand., yulius, s. david
Braunschweig, Hector, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and David
Braunschweig - Altstadtmarkt- oder Marienbrunnen
yudas, yosue, karolus, s arthus
Judas Maccabeus, Joshua Nun's son, Charlemagne, Arthur and Godfrey of Bouillon
Braunschweig - Altstadtmarkt- oder Marienbrunnen
godevrid, romrike, meyense, bemen, kollen, sassen
Holy Royal Empire, Mainz, Bohemia, Cologne and Saxony
Braunschweig - Altstadtmarkt- oder Marienbrunnen
beyeren, trier, brandebg., br. lant, lunebg.
Bavaria, Trier, Brandenburg, Braunschweig, and Lüneburg

Below the middle bowl is the text:
in den groten kriege 15. Oktober 1944 dorch brand gesmolten, nie ggoten 1948
in the Great War on 15. October 1944 melted by fire, and recast in 1948

Lower bowl

The upper edge is surrounded by a band of writing; below it, numerous people are depicted. With the exception of the first saying on Casting Day, which is written in Latin, all the other texts are biblical quotations that mainly emphasise the importance of water and - remarkably for the time - were written in the language of the people, namely Middle Low German.

Below the banner are 20 images of biblical figures, interrupted at regular intervals by four lion-headed waterspouts. In the center of each series is a crowned figure (except in one sequence, where St. Catherine is in the center and the crowned figure to her right).

Braunschweig - Altstadtmarkt- oder Marienbrunnen
Text: anno dni m cccc viii vigilia katerine fusa est. · David · des waters invlot de stat godes vrolich dot.
Cast in the year 1408 at St. Catherine's eve. The flood of water makes the city of God joyful [Ps 46:5]
Figures: Obadiah, Isaiah, St Catherine (with wheel), David (crowned), and Habakkuk
Braunschweig - Altstadtmarkt- oder Marienbrunnen
Text: Elyzeus · sunt hebbe yk se maket gar unn werden nicht mer un vrucht bar.
Elisha: I have made the waters whole, and they will no longer be barren" [2 Kings 2:19-22].
Figures: Moses, Nahum, Solomon (crowned), Hosea, and one destroyed
Braunschweig - Altstadtmarkt- oder Marienbrunnen
Text: Salomon · alle water in dat mer gan · Ysaias · wen dorste de kome hir an.
Solomon: All the waters go into the sea" [Koh 1:7]. Isaiah: Let him who thirsts come near" [Is 55:1].
Figures: figures destroyed in the Second World War, Jeremiah
Braunschweig - Altstadtmarkt- oder Marienbrunnen
Text: Elijas · he scloch de watere unn en twe sint se ghedelet. · samuel · here wente in dossen dach amen
Elijah: He smote the waters and they were divided in two [2 Kings 2:8 EU]. Samuel: Lord until this day. Amen!
Figures: Joel, Elisha, Ahaz (crowned), Ezekiel, Samuel


Sources & Information


  • Charlemagne
  • Coat of arms
  • David (king)
  • Elisha (Prophet)
  • Evangelists (Four)
  • Ezekiel
  • Fountain
  • Godfrey of Bouillon
  • Habakkuk
  • Hector
  • Hosea
  • Isaiah
  • Jeremiah
  • Joel
  • Joshua
  • Judas Maccabeus
  • Mary with Child
  • Medieval artist
  • Moses
  • Nahum
  • Nine Worthies
  • Obadiah
  • Samuel
  • Solomon
  • Locatie (N 52°15'46" - E 10°31'4") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: dens611; Photograph: 28 July 2024
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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