
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Lkr. Hildesheim



Blaues Pferd

Blue Horse

Siegfried Neuenhausen
Bildgiesserei Wittkamp (Elmenhorst)

Hildesheim /  Blaues Pferd   Hildesheim /  Blaues Pferd


Pavement relief made of bronze, glass granules and concrete, showing a blue horse in a bronze-coloured trapezium. Around the horse several illustrations of horses and horse-related objects are found. Some of them refer to the painter, draftsman and engraver Hans Sebald Beham, who worked in the workshop of Albrecht Dürer in the 16th century and left around 270 copper engravings and 300 woodcuts to posterity. Further there are all sorts of synonyms for the term "horse", like "Rappe", "Märe", "Roß", "Mustang", "Klepper", etc. and various texts.
From one point you can see the relief in the right proportions, and the trapezium as a rectangle. This point is indicated in the pavement by a plaque with the text "Das perspektivisch verzerrte blaue Pferd erscheint von hier aus als anatomisch richtiges Pferd" (The perspectively distorted blue horse appears from here as an anatomically correct horse). - The two photos above are made from this spot!

Hildesheim - Blaues Pferd
"Proportionen eines Pferdes (nach Sebald Beham)" (Proportions of a horse (after Sebald Beham)).
Hildesheim - Blaues Pferd
"Konstruktion eines Pferdekopfes (1528)" (Construction of a horse's head, 1528).
Hildesheim - Blaues Pferd
Prancing horse.
Hildesheim - Blaues Pferd Hildesheim - Blaues Pferd

Hildesheim - Blaues Pferd Hildesheim - Blaues Pferd


Der Pferdemarkt Hildesheim wird erstmals in einer
Urkunde vom 14. Juli 1358 als 'perdemarkede’ erwähnt.
Bis etwa 1900 wurde hier mit Pferden gehandelt.
Spätestens 1406 ist der Platz ganz oder teilweise
gepflastert worden, wie die Kämmerei-Rechnungen
des Hildesheimer Rates ausweisen. 1414 und
1425 werden Unratsbeseitigungen ... unde den
perdemarkede einigenden... erwähnt und 1427 errichten
Zimmerer einen Verschlag.
Hildesheim's horse market is first mentioned in a
document dated 14 July 1358 as 'perdemarkede'.
Horses were traded here up until around 1900.
By 1406 at the lastest the square was completely
or partially paved, as shown by the Hildesheim Council's
treasury bills. In 1414 and
1425 the removal of rubbish ....and the
perdemarkede unifying ... was mentioned and in 1427
carpenters erect a shed.


S. neuenhausen 2005
Guss Wittkamp Elmenhorst

Information Sign

Gestiftet von der
mit Unterstützung
der Anlieger, der
Sparkasse Hildesheim,
der Friedrich-
Weinhagen Stiftung
und der Kaiserhaus-
Stiftung Heinz Geyer.


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 52°9'3" - E 9°57'6") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: dens509; Photograph: 29 August 2022
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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