
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Lkr. Hildesheim



Marktbrunnen mit "Roland"-Figur

Market Fountain with "Roland" statue

Roland, a Frankish military leader under Charlemagne, became a symbol of the independence of the growing cities from the local nobility. He is depicted as a knight with a drawn sword.
16th century sculptor
1548 (replica 1986)

Hildesheim /  Marktbrunnen mit "Roland"-Figur   Hildesheim /  Marktbrunnen mit "Roland"-Figur


Stone statue of a town servant armed with a spear and shield, often held to be an embodiment of Roland, on the center column of an octagonal fountain basin with reliefs on the sides. Six of the sides bear reliefs depicting the deeds of the Twelve Good Heroes from the Old Testament (with only 11 names), the other two (blank) coat of arms.
A first fountain was erected on the market square in the old town in 1540. The original of today's fountain dates from 1548. It was destroyed in World War II. In 1986, this fountain was reproduced true to the original.

Hildesheim - Marktbrunnen mit "Roland"-Figur
Two putti with blank shield and the year 1540.
Hildesheim - Marktbrunnen mit "Roland"-Figur
Josua Josue
Gedion judicu.7.8.
Josua / Joshua, successor of Moses as leader of the Israelite tribes, and Gideon, military leader, judge and prophet.
Hildesheim - Marktbrunnen mit "Roland"-Figur
Jepte judicu.11.12
Samson judicu.15.16.
Jiftach / Jephthah, judge, and Simson / Samson, last of the judges.
Hildesheim - Marktbrunnen mit "Roland"-Figur
Jonathan 1.regu.14
Dav1d 1.regu.17.23.30/3. regu 8.10
Jonatan / Jonathan, friend of David, and David.
Hildesheim - Marktbrunnen mit "Roland"-Figur
Two putti with blank shield.
Hildesheim - Marktbrunnen mit "Roland"-Figur
Abia 2.par.13
Abija / Abijah and his son Asa, Kings of Judah.
Hildesheim - Marktbrunnen mit "Roland"-Figur
Josaphat 2.para.20
Amazia 2.para.25.
Joschafat / Jehoshaphat and Amazia Amaziah, Kings of Judah.
Hildesheim - Marktbrunnen mit "Roland"-Figur
Ezechias 4.regu.18.19 et 2.para.29.32 esra.36.37
Hiskija (Ezechia) / Hezekiah, King of Judah.


Sources & Information


  • Abijah king of Juda
  • Amaziah king of Juda
  • Asa king of Juda
  • David (king)
  • Fountain
  • Gideon
  • Hezekiah king of Juda
  • Jehoshaphat king of Juda
  • Jephthah
  • Jonathan
  • Joshua
  • Roland
  • Samson
  • Locatie (N 52°9'10" - E 9°57'6") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: dens486; Photograph: 28 August 2022
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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