
Statues - Hither & Thither

Site Search:
Lkr. Celle


(Altes Rathaus)

Steuerzahler (?)

Taxpayers (?)

artist unknown

Celle /  Steuerzahler (?)   Celle /  Steuerzahler (?)


Two small sandstone statues flanking the backdoor of the old town-hall; the left one is emptying his pocket and has a can between his feet, ; the right one holds is hand op and has in his other hand a bottle and has a book under his arm.

We think it has something to do with paying taxes to the town.

Celle - Steuerzahler (?) Celle - Steuerzahler (?)


Watt düütsch is,
dat hoolt wisse.
Makt et nich
so as düsse.
Dä will sien
Geld behaalen
Un wü schütt
Stüern betaalen

Dat Geld geit
rin un rut.
As wenn't Eb-
be is un Flut.
Schall de Stadt
nich verebben
Mott se en Stüer-
mann hebben

The first text is unclear, the second text means something like

"Money goes in and out, like low and high tide. To prevent the town to become low, it must have a taxman"



Locatie (N 52°37'27" - E 10°4'52") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: dens439; Photograph: 7 August 2016
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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