At the south and west façades of St. Mark's church are several sculpures and a mosaic.
South façade (entrance of the tower):
- St. Mark ('MARKUS') statue on a console abovde the entrance, with a relief of a lion in the background. The lion holds the bible with the text "das evangelium von jesu christo dem sohn gottes. ev. marci i."
- Christus König / Christ King, statue of Christ sitting on a throne, flanked by reliefs of women and children in relief, in the tympanum above the door.
- Engelen / Angels, two reliefs of angels in the abutments.
Portico with the entrance at the south west corner
- Adam und Evas Vertreibung aus dem Paradies / Adam and Eve's expulsion from Paradise, relief on the corner
- Vier biblischen Könige / four biblical Kings, heads at the capitol of the west column
Salomo |
Josia |
unknown |
David |
- Vier biblischen Flüsse / Four biblical rivers, depicted as fish at the capitol of the east column
Hidekel - Euphrat |
Pison - Gihon |
- Pelikan / Pelican, at the inner side of the east column.
West façade
- Der auferstandenen Christus als Weltenherrscher / The Risen Christ as ruler of the world. Mosaic donated by Emperor Wilhelm in 1907. The mosaic is made by Oskar Wichtendahl.
- Friedensengel / Peace angel, angel with a ribbon with the text "Friede sei mit euch" above the entrance
8 |
9 |
- Ornaments
Relief of Adam and Eve's expulsion from Paradise: KG
The church was built 1902-1906 by the architect Otto Lüer.
- Karl Gundelach (Linden, Hannover 1856 - Hannover 1920),
German sculptor from München
- Otto Lüer (Bruchhausen 1865 - Bad Pyrmont 1947),
German architect
- Oskar Wichtendahl (Hannover 1860 - Hannover 1933),
German religious painter
Locatie (N 52°23'17" - E 9°45'8") (Satellite view: Google Maps)
Item Code: dens129; Photograph: 2 April 2014
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt
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