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Stadt Braunschweig Niedersachsen Am Gaussberg / Schubertstraße |
Carl Friedrich GaußBraunschweig 1777 - Göttingen 1855German mathematician and scientist (Wikipedia) |
Fritz Schaper
Georg Howaldt (Braunschweig) 1879 |
Bronze sculpture of Gauß with a book in his hand.
A golden star with seventeen points is depicted on the side of the base plate. This is a reference to the fact that Gauss on 30 March 1796, one month before his nineteenth birthday, proved the constructability of the regular heptadecagon (seventeen-sided polygon) and thus provided the first significant addition to Euclidean constructions in 2000 years. |
carl friedrich GAUSS geb. 30 april 1777 gest. 23 februar 1853 |
DEM ERHABENEN DENKER der die verborgensten geheimnisse der wissenschaft der zahlen und des raumes entschleiert der die gesetze der himmlischen und irdischen naturerscheinungen ergründet und dem wohle der menschheit dienstbar gemacht hat zur saecularfeier seines geburtstages in seiner vaterstadt braunschweig gewidmet von der dankbaren nachwelt |
Carl Friedrich GAUSS Born 30 April 1777 Died 23 February 1853 |
THE SUBLIME THINKER who unveiled the most hidden secrets of the science of numbers and space who fathomed the laws of heavenly and earthly natural phenomena and made them serve the good of mankind on the occasion of the secular celebration of his birthday in his hometown of Braunschweig dedicated by the grateful posterity |
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